It is the "type of nutrition" found "in animals". It "involves ingestion of complex organic nutrients" and its "digestion, absorption and assimilation".
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What is Peristalsis?
It is is the "rhythmic wavelike muscle contraction" of the "walls of oesophagus", this "helps push food ahead" towards the stomach.
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Describe the passage of food through alimentary canal.
Mouth - Oesophagus - Stomach - Small Intestine - Large Intestine - Rectum
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What is the function of mouth?
Function is to "chew and break down food" into smaller pieces with the help of "teeth".
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tissue cells
When the ________ of the body are in need of glucose they obtain it from the blood.
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new protoplasm
Which enter the the cell are converted into ________ and are used for growth and repair of worn- out parts of the body.
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What is the function of HCL secreted in stomach?
It "stops the action of salivary amylase" + changes the "inactive forms of of enzymes in the gastric juice to the active form" + "provides a slightly acidic medium' suitable for the action of gastric enzymes + "kills germs".
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What role does the pancreas play in digestion?
It secretes "pancreatic enzymes".
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What is Bile?
Bile is an "alkaline greenish-yellow liquid" containing "bile salts and bile pigments" + it "aids in the digestion of fats".
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How are villi adapted for absorption?
They "have thin walls" + "large surface area" +"good supply of blood".
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What is the function of Large Intestine?
Its role is to help "water is reabsorb in blood"
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What is the function of rectum?
Its role is to temporarily "store faeces".
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Where in alimentary canal is amylase secreted?
It is secreted in "pancreas + salivary canal" (mouth).