Exam 3

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How do you create a social media plan?

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Social Media Strategy, Social Media Platforms, Generation Like, Online Reputation Management, Mobile Strategy, Digital Strategy

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How do you create a social media plan?

  • determine the objective

  • choose the social media platform(s)

  • plan the content

  • distribute and promote content

  • measure success

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What are the types of objectives?

  1. content creation

  2. paid advertising

  3. reputation management

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What are the main concepts of content creation?

  • creating first time customers

  • increase customer loyalty

  • increase SEO Value

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What are the difficulties of creating content for first-time customers

  • platforms penalize content posted by business entities

  • content may not influence purchase likelihood (No call to action)

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What are some strengths of increasing customer loyalty when creating content?

  • directly spurs additional purchases

  • improves customer’s brand perceptions

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What are some characteristics of increasing SEO Value in content creation?

  • already doing everything it can to optimize its SEO

  • depends on local search results

  • strive for high level of ‘earned media’

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What are some strengths of paid advertising?

  • more information → better targeting

  • higher engagement rate

  • more engagement options

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What are some types of reputation management

  • social media monitoring

  • social listening

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What is social media monitoring?

  • build on positive comments

  • respond to negative comments

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What makes social media monitoring difficult?

  • requires significant resources and extensive training

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What is social listening

  • sentiment analysis

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What is important to consider when determining the social media platform?

  • population characteristics

  • nature of social media interactions

  • platform synergies

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What are the types of content?

  • original content

  • user-generated content

  • co-created content

  • curated content

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What is the best platforms for first time customers?

Primary: youtube

Secondary: instagram

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What is the best platforms for customer loyalty?

Primary: Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram

Secondary: LinkedIn

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What are the best platforms for SEO?

Primary: Facebook

Secondary: X

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What are the best platforms for advertising?

Primary: Facebook, Instagram

Secondary: Youtube

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What are the best platforms for reputation management?

Primary: Review websites and industry forums

Secondary: X, LinkedIn

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What are some key traits of original content?

  • companies have complete control

  • fresh or repurposed

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What are some key traits of User-Generated Content?

  • contests (reposts or hashtags)

  • enhances the company-customer connection

  • increases engagement and positive attitude of customers

  • not super helpful if customers do not want to engage

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What are some key traits of co-created content?

  • benefits both parties (2 brands from different backgrounds come together)

  • unique content (different styles from both contributors)

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What are some key traits of curated content?

  • created entirely by another entity (influencers, everyday people)

    • reshared by the brand

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What are some key characteristics for deciding media types

  • reliance on algorithms to rank-order content

    • post type of media preferred by the platform

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What is key when it comes to a style guide?

  • content that is consistent with the way the company wants to be perceived

    • tone (choice of words)

    • legal

    • response guidelines (appropriate course of action for each query)

    • formatting guidelines

    • any other useful guidelines (list of company-owned social profiles, visual branding guidelines, terminology preferences, UGC practices, etc.)

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What are the types of value that can be added to content?

  • utilitarian value

  • entertainment value

  • community value

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What are utilitarian values?

  • deals or discounts

  • contests or drawings

  • useful ideas or practices

  • product updates

  • training and education

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What is some benefits of entertainment value?

  • exposures lead to increased brand equity, customer loyalty, and repeat purchases

  • Consumers get humor, inside knowledge, or news from a company icon

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What does community value do?

fosters identity-relevant connections with customers

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What should you consider for scheduling content?

  • when to post

    • When are followers most active?

    • vary time to reach different viewers

  • Which scheduling softwares should you use?

    • Hootsuite, Sproutsocial

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What is paid media

company pays for distributing the advertising content

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What are some examples of paid media?

  • social media advertising

  • paid search marketing

  • display advertising

  • affiliate marketing

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What is owned media?

online property completely owned and controlled by a company

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What are some examples of owned media?

  • websites

  • social media profiles

  • social media marketing

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What is earned media?

publicity received from unpaid promotional efforts

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What are some examples of earned media?

  • social media sharing

  • direct traffic

  • search engine optimization

  • press coverage

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What are some ways you can measure success?

  • reach

  • engagement

  • loyalty

  • social listening

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What are some examples of reach?

  • total number of likes, subscribers, or followers

  • follower growth

  • impressions or views

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What are some examples of engagement?

  • re-posts or re-pins

  • likes or comments

  • engagement rate

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What are some examples of loyalty?

  • conversion rate

  • purchase frequent / likelihood

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What are some examples of social listening?

  • volume

  • sentiment

  • changes in volume and sentiment

  • topic

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What are the questions mentioned in the article, “4 questions to boost your social media?”

  1. what are your goals?

  2. what platforms should we be using?

  3. What is your content strategy?

  4. Are you ready to talk with your audience in real time?

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What are some features of facebook?

  • large, diverse user base

  • different types of content

  • uses a complex algorithm to decide which content is shown

  • Company profiles usually penalized

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What is the types of advertising found on facebook?

  • image ad (MOST COMMON)

  • Carousel Ads (many pictures)

  • Video Ads

  • Collection Ads

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How are ads placed on Facebook?

  • news feed

  • sidebar

  • marketplace

  • messenger

  • instagram

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Which ways are advertisements paid for on Facebook?

  • CPC

  • CPA

  • CPM

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What is the formula for Advertising Bids?

Advertising Bids = Bid Amount x Estimated Action Aid + Relevance/Quality

Monetary Contribution of Aid = Bid Amount x Estimated Action Aid

User Experience = Relevance/Quality

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What are the different categories of ad targeting that facebook uses?

  • core audiences

  • custom audiences

  • lookalike audiences

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How does facebook use core audience ad targeting?

utilizes demographics, interest, and behavior found on FaceBook

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How does facebook use custom audiences ad targeting?

uploads a list of email addresses and Facebook will match them to its own users

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What are some pros of utilizing custom audience ad targeting?

  • Higher response rate

  • can set up retargeting ads

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How does facebook utilize lookalike audience ad targeting?

use the company’s custom list and apply machine learning techniques to find other facebook users who are most similar to that list of customers

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What are some of the best practices for facebook?

  • pay to boost the posts

  • supplement paid ads with engaging organic content

  • Live videos > Recorded videos > Images > Text-only posts

  • Strive for higher levels of engagement

  • Food Facebook pages will show up on the search engine response page

    • Pay attention to your profile!

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What are some features of X?

  • smaller user base than FB but highly active

    • Rapid responses to companies

  • Devised hashtages

    • easier to search for posts

    • enables group conversations

    • content popularity

    • type of account posting the content

  • Company Profile

    • There is no distinction between personal profiles and corporate profiles

    • SEO-friendly keywords in the bio

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What are the types of advertising found on X?

  • promoted posts

  • cards for promoted posts

    • Summary card

    • app card

    • player card

  • promoted accounts

  • promoted trends

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What does the process of paying for ads look like?

  1. Choose between promote mode and X ads

  2. Select an objective: Awareness Campaigns (CPM), Post Engagements (based on engagement), Website clicks or conversions (per click or conversion)

  3. fill in the details of your ad campaign

  4. create an ad group within your campaign

  5. Select the target audience for each ad group

  6. select creatives you’d like to run with each ad group

  7. launch campaign

<ol><li><p>Choose between promote mode and X ads</p></li><li><p>Select an objective: Awareness Campaigns (CPM), Post Engagements (based on engagement), Website clicks or conversions (per click or conversion)</p></li><li><p>fill in the details of your ad campaign</p></li><li><p>create an ad group within your campaign</p></li><li><p>Select the target audience for each ad group</p></li><li><p>select creatives you’d like to run with each ad group</p></li><li><p>launch campaign</p></li></ol>
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What is quick promote on X?

  • requires the advertiser to specify the post to be promoted and the budget

    • Works better for accounts with large following and long history

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What are some ways ad targeting occurs on X?

  • user demographics (geography, gender, interests, or device)

  • Website or App Custom Audiences

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What are some best practices for X?

  • 280 character limits → include shortened link to expanded content

  • create value for followers and achieve additional exposure via reposts

  • succinct content so companies can afford to post more often

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What are some features of pinterest?

  • mainly female and higher income audience

  • highly engaged and often purchase minded

  • ‘Pins’ ranked by algorithm and organized into multiple colums for easier perusal

  • inclusion of source URL → increases website traffic

  • Open Platform

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What are some types of advertising found on pinterest?

  • promoted pin

  • promoted video pin

  • promoted carousel

  • promoted app

  • shopping ads to promote products (facilitate immediate purchase)

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What ways can you pay for ads on pinterest?

  • CPM: Impressions

  • CPC: when a user clicks through the advertisers website

  • CPE: when the user clicks on a pin to expand it or when a user pins that pin to their own board

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What type of targeting is found on pinterest?

  • keyword targeting

  • interest targeting

  • audience targeting

  • actlike audience targeting

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What are some best practices found on pinterest?

  • organically gaining followers → create a pinterest profile and organize boards w/ pertinent pins

  • Provide a pin button

  • shop the look pins (collection pins): Tag the products visible in a pin

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What are some features of Youtube?

  • large user base, 80% of users are outside the US

  • 2 types of accounts: personal and brand (Accts not treated differently)

  • Ranking based on:

    • user's watch history, search history, subscriptions

    • videos ‘stickiness’: user interest in watching and user engagement

    • video clicks

    • video channel characterisitics

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How does advertising work on Youtube?

  • creator controls the advertising

  • youtube and video owner share the ad revenues

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What are the types of ads found on Youtube?

  • display ads

  • overlay ads

  • skippable videos

  • non-skippable videos

  • bumper ads

  • sponsored ads

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Which ways can you pay for ads on Youtube?

  • CPV (cost per view

  • ad auction (Advertiser’s bid combined with Quality Score)

  • Ad targeting (similar to display ads on google ads)

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What are some best practices for youtube?

  • create content that simultaneously entertain and advertise

  • supplement earned media with paid views

  • recommendation algorithm (channel’s overall viewership and engagement metrics)

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What are features of LinkedIn?

  • professional networks

  • posts from connections, advertisements, posts from companies they follow, newsletters they subscribe to, and influencers they follow

  • company profiles rank very well

    • ‘About Us’ section should be well-written and must contain relevant keywords

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What are the types of advertisements found on LinkedIn?

  • sponsored content

  • dynamic ads: retargeting ads that allow advertisers to change the content of ads to match different ad targets

  • Text ads: show up on the right side of the feed for desktop users

  • Sponsored InMail: email marketing but to paid ad targets rather than through compilation of an email list

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What kind of lead generation does LinkedIn use?

Lead Gen Form: pop-up lead generation

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Which ways can you pay for ads on linkedin?

  • sponsored InMail : cost per send

  • CPC

  • CPM

  • CPV

    • advertisement rates are typically higher

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What are some best practices for LinkedIn?

  • create content that reinforces the thought leader perception

  • use (don’t force) employees to amplify these posts

  • Linkedin Groups: company employee can engage with members

  • Precise targeting

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What are some features of Instagram?

  • younger demographic (18-30 years old)

  • suitable for mobile phones (only one post fits)

  • simple design that allows for seamless integration across platforms

  • shorter videos (Reels) and Shops for browsing

    • tag products in organic posts

    • link the product to their instagram shop

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What types of advertising is found on Instagram?

  • image

  • carousel

  • video

  • collections

  • story ads

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What are some best practices when it comes to advertising on instagram?

  • does not penalize corporate profiles as severely as facebook

  • ranking based on algorithm that calculates ‘prominence’

    • MAJOR factor- amount of interaction generated by the account

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How do you utilize influencer marketing?

  • leverage the relationship between influencers and followers

The process

  • identify influencers

  • engage the influencers to assess brand fit

    • does the following fit the brand?

    • is the influencer’s liking of the brand believable?

    • is the brand able to give the influencer a sufficient value in return for the partnership?

    • does the brand and influencer agree on policies

  • help the influencer stay FTC-Compliant

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What are some features of snapchat?

  • youngest profile demographics (15-25 years old)

  • higher engagement w/ snapchat videos

  • less intuitive interface

    • disappearing feature of the messages (MOST appealing)

    • Fast interactions and quick content consumption

    • map tab (explore stories by geography)

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What are the advertising types found on snapchat?

  • snap ad

  • collection ads

  • story ads

  • AR lenses, filters, and commercials

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What methods can you pay for snapchat ads?

  • CPM basis

  • flat rate

  • through a certified partner

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How does ad targeting work on snapchat?

targeting based on interests and behaviors, demographics, locations, custom and lookalike audiences

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What are the features of tiktok?

  • large, growing user base

  • younger audience

  • videos (1-10 minutes long)

    • fast paced consumption

  • algorithm uses viewing history, profiles followed by the user, the videos overall popularity, and the videos similarity to other videos

  • No distinction between corporate and personal profiles

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How does advertising work on tiktok?

  • promote video ads

    • Sponsored icon and CTA to distinguish from non-promotional videos

    • can be skipped at any time

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What is the best practices on tiktok

most companies are not advertising on Tiktok

→ low advertising costs

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What is online reputation management?

the practice of promoting a positive brand image online by increasing the visibility of positive information and managing negative information

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Social listening

  • find and gather information about the company on social media

  • gain insights about customers’ views of the company

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Reputation managment

  • find and gather information about the company online

  • promote positive information and limit negative information

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What questions can be asked when performing online reputation management?

  • how a company can monitor the web for negative content about its brand online

  • how a company can respond to a negative content online

  • how can a company ensure that its positive content is discovered first

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How is it possible to monitor brands?

  • impossible to monitor all content manually

    • social media tools to search web for brand mentions

      • Company name, products, trademarks, employees, etc.

      • competitor’s brands

      • Industry news, reguations, laws, customer’s company names, etc

      • prioritize crucial alerts

    • google alerts

    • monitor SERP

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What sites do professionals need to monitor when looking for negative comments?

  • online review sites (Yelp)

  • scam reporting sites

  • online forums

  • press articles

  • websites of activist organizations

  • social media sites

  • blogs

  • informational sites

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How should you respond to negative comments on review sites?

  • avoid being defensive and point out what has been done to resolve the problem

  • try to take convo offline to resolve it

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How should you respond to negative comments left on scam reporting sites

  • leave a short response and leave it alone

  • do not mention brand or product name in response

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How should you respond to negative comments left on online forums?

  • can monitor what is being said and mention to other participants what they sell

  • can decide if participating is worth its time

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How should you respond to negative comments left on press articles

  • company representative should be available to comment on the stories

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How to respond to negative comments on activist organization websites

  • determine how to change the way members talk about the company

  • try to find other places to share your side of the story

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How to respond to negative comments on social media sites

try to make direct contact offline to resolve any issues

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How to respond to negative comments left on blogs

  • avoid being defensive and stay professional

  • try to contact the blogger to make amends

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How to respond to negative comments left on informational sites

add positive content to offset negative things

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What are some key factors for emergency responses

  • timeliness

  • transparency

  • training

  • take it offline

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What are some ways to create positive content?

  • corporate blog

  • corporate website

  • corporate ads

  • social media platforms

  • directory listings

  • charity microsites

  • customer support sites

  • product microsites

  • cause microsites

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