Tsar Alexander I
Russia’s conservative leader
-hated France because of revolutions
-death sparked debate on who should succeed him
Tsar Alexander II
succeeding tsar
-freed serfs during Crimean war
-formed city counsels, zemstros, dumas
-created National Duma who will advise him as king
-assassinated and successor stops duma creation
-last Tsar
Nicholas II
rule begins with many bad omens
-hundreds dead at his wedding
-only had daughters until finally 1 son but had hemophilia
-found Rasputin to cure him and soon became Rasputin’s “puppet“
Peter the Great
-visited Europe and believed Russia was backward, must modernize!!
-captured swamp area to build fleet; names St. Petersberg
strong man rule
Always prepared for war
-experience from being constantly invaded by East
Eurasion Highway
flat land across Russia connecting Europe and Asia
-faced many invasion attempts because of this
Decembrist Revolution
After the death of Tsar Alexander I, many soldiers and generals desired liberalism and protested the crowning of Nicholas I and wanted his liberal brother, Constantine
-”Constantine and Constitution!”
-these “Decembrists“ were later executed by the new ruler Nicholas I
Russo-Japanese war
Conflict between Russia and Japan that lead to a historic defeat of a European country by an Asian country
Bloody Sunday (1905)
Peaceful protesters were marching toward Nicholas II’s palace when fired on by palace guards
-hundreds died and Nicholas was completely unaware as he was off fighting
October Manifesto
An attempt to quiet strikes and revolts by promising freedom of speech and assembly and for a Duma
- not truly fulfilled
Fundamental Laws
-Tsar retains great powers with an absolute veto
-Members of the duma would be elected by tsar and his ministers
-Many saw this as a step backwards
1905 Revolution
-Strikes throughout demanding better working conditions
-Navy also begins to ignore orders
Georgi Gapon
lead Bloody Sunday protests
-demanded 8 hr work days and freedom to union and impoved working conditions
-secret sufrage in elections
-freedom of speech/press/religion
-end war with Japan
March (februrary) 1917
-strikes led by women factory workers
-joined by men adding up to 100,000 workers protesting
-also joined by cossacks; Russia’s brutal fighting unit
-Tsar ordered the army to shoot but demonstrations continued
-Eventually Tsar Nicholas II gives up throne and Duma takes over
Cause of Revolution
-Resentment toward Tsar’s absolute power and the influence of Rasputin they were under
-Heavy taxes
-Social inequality and war took away from civilians
-Failure to comply with reforms promised after Revolution of 1905
Head of Provisional Government after Nicholas II
-then overthrown Bolsheviks
Provisional Government
Temporary government created by the Duma after the abdication of the tsar
“Peace, Land Bread“
-Founded the communist party in Russia and set up the world's first communist dictatorship
-He led the October Revolution of 1917 which led Russia into a communist gov.
Russian leader who took over after Lenin died
-created a totalitarian gov and purged those who he suspected
-#2 killer in the world
wife of Alexander II
-German and disliked by Russians
-”emperor (Alexander II) is weak, I am not”
-Self-proclaimed holy man who claimed to heal the sick and have prophecy
-After healing Alexi, he had so much influence over Alexandra that she went to him for political advice
-Pupetter of the tsar
Kornilov Affair
Lead by General Kornilov: Kerenksy’s commander in cheif
-believed that the provisional gov was corrupt and must be overthrown
-gathered the Bolsheviks
-attempted to attack but was quickly defeated
July Days
Protests and riots over Kerensky’s poor military choices
-demanded an end to the war
-protester called upon the Bolsheviks for support
-troops surpressed crowd and Lenin fleed to escape arrest
War communism
-government controlling of banks and most industries
-forceful seizing of weapons and food for soldiers if they made extra
-destroyed economy
Forced labor camps
Execution of millions of people by the suspicion of Stalin
-7 million arrested, 1 million executed, 2 million died in gulags
befriended by Stalin as he controlled propoganda in Russia
-eventually suspected and killed by him by show trial
rich peasants
-Stalin: They are the enemy!
-control of media
-no institutions aside from government
-control of economy
-”butter” (things are gettin better!)
5 Year Plan
unrealistic plans introduced to industrialize the Russia rapidly
-demanded production of steel, electricity, machinery, and most other products and were enforced by the police
Russian civil war
Bolshviks v eveyone else (Red v Whites)
-Whites were supported by US, France and Britian but lost
-Red attacked and killed the tsar family so that the white’s had no figure to look up to
far right, Marxist group
-led by Lenin and seized power in 1917 after civil war
-later led by Stalin
scientific socialist group
-believed they must wait for sci. socialism to come
elected rural governments to allow some democracy without weakening the central government
Secret police set up by Lenin-arrested "enemies of the revolution"
Alexander III
-returned Russia to a repressed nation; censorship and purged critics
-repealed reforms of Alexander II
massacre of a particular ethnic group-Jews in particular
man made famine affecting Ukrainians
Show Trials
Fake trials set up by Stalin
-surrounded by press
-falsely accuses defendant and forces them to agree at the expense of their family’s lives