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What is the most sensitive organ within the body to variable temperature and fluctuating oxygen and glucose levels
The Brain
A persons talking and explaining to you what hearts gives you what kind of understanding in regards to their nervous system
Provides evidence of a functioning nervous system
If a person has an messy or dirty house this can be a sign of
Nervous system condition
What are 4 nerves responsible for airway control
trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, vagus and hypoglossal
(Swallowing, tongue control, muscles in hypopharynx are slightly contracted)
Stridor is a classic sign of
Partial airway obstruction
What can cause Trismus or clenching of the teeth
Seizure, severe head injury or cerebral hypoxia
What do you want your sp02 to be around
greater than 94 percent
When do we hyperventilate patients
Signs of increased intracranial pressure
What part of the brain controls breathing depth and rate or breathing
Pons and Medulla
Regular rate and pattern
Incresed rate regular pattern
decreased rate and regular pattern
Absence of breathing
Rapid rgular deep respirations
Gradual increases and decreased in respirations with periods of apnea
Irregular respirations with periods of apnea
Extreme Tachynpnea and hypernea
Prolonged inspiratory phase with shortened expiratory phaae and bradypnea
What condition can cause Kussmaul respirations
Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Acidosis
What can cause Cheyne- Stokes, Apneustic, Biot/Ataxic
brain stem injury
What are the symptoms of Cushing Reflex
Widened Pulse pressure with increased Systolic Pressure
Other than Cushings Reflex what are other signs and symptoms of ICP
Anisocoria, Biots, Chene-Stokes, Decorticate and decerebrate posturing
Define Aniscoria
Unequal Pupils
Define Decorticate and what part of brain is damaged
Flexing of arms and legs just inferior of cerebral hemispheres
Define Decerebrate and what part of brain is injured
Extension of the arms and legs and damage near brainstem
What is the optimal Blood Pressure for ICP
systolic 110-120mmhg
What Happens during ICP
As ICP rises blood to brain diminishes as this happens the medulla sends signals to heart to increase force of contraction. This in turn increases Systolic Pressure as the pressure rises the downward forces puts pressure on the brainstem which decrease the ability of the medulla to send signals and the diastolic falls and the which results in widening pulse pressure and finally the pressure damages the ability to control the respiratory and pulse rates
When should a rapid trauma or medical exam be done
On any anyone with a significant MOI, decreased LOC or needing an abdominal assessment
What is critical in a stroke patients history
Time of onset of Symptoms
What are some common seizure medications
Phenobarbital (Solfoton) and Dilantin (Phenytoin)
If a Patient is a diabetic and has had a seizure what can happen to their glucose stores
The seizure can use up their glucose
If a patient has a first time seizure what should the Paramedic assume that the cause is
Brain tumor, Intercranial bleeding or a serious infection
During Secondary assessment what is the part of the body you will spend the most time on for a neurologic exam
The head
How to cardiac dysrhythmias cause neurologic disorders
by decreasing the amount of blood supplied to the brain
Normal SP02 readings is
95-100 percent
what are common GI symptoms with a headache
Nausea and Vomiting
Urinary or fecal incontinence can be a sign of
Fainting and Seizure
During a neuro assessment what do you do for extremity assessment
Pulse Motor Sensation
Define Ptosis
Drooping sagging or prolapse of a part of the body for example Eyelid ptosis is eyelid drooping
Other than a CVA what can Eyelid Ptosis be sign of
Bell Palsy
Define Coma
Is a state in which a person does not respond to verbal or painful stimuli
For a patient to respond to pain the patient needs what 3 things to be functioning and intact
brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system
Define Supraoribital foramen
is a part of the frontal bone and feels like a notch near the bridge of the nose. Will cause pain if pressed
Define Hallucinations
Sensory Stimulation the patient experiences that are not based in a common reality
Patients can see things that others can not and they believe they are real
Should a paramedic reinforce hallucinations
NO but make sure you tell the patient they are safe
Define Delusion
thoughts perceived by the patient of their abilities or that people may be out to get them.
When a patient can no longer determine what is real and what is inside his or her mind what state are they in
How should we deal with psychosis
Give clear commands, 1 person talk only, keep lights on because shawdow can be interpreted as harmful always have an exit and be safe
If a patients mood or tempo has changed this an be a sign of
decreased 02 or BP or increased Temp or decreased BGL
Define Corneal reglex
A patient who is unresponsive or pretending to be unresponse if you tap between the eyes the patient will blink. If the patient does not blink the patient will probably not be able to control their airway and have an intact gag reflex
What can cause unequal pupils
Trauma, Glaucoma, Increased ICP
Stimulants cause Pupils to
Narcotics and cholinergic agonists cause pupils to
Go pin point
Define Agnosia
Unable to tell you names of common objects
Define Apraxia
inability to know how to use a common object
Name the 3 different Aphasia
Receptive Aphasia
Expressive Aphasia
Global Aphasia
Define Receptive Aphasia
Unable to understand or receive speech but is able to speak clearly
In receptive aphasia what part of the brain is damaged
Temporal lobe
Define Expressive aphasia
Patient is unable to speak or express themselves
In Expressive aphasia what part of the brain is damaged
Frontal lobe which controls motor function of speech
Define Global Aphasia
features both expressive and receptive aphasia
Define Hemiparesis
Weakness of one side of the body
Define Hemiplegia
Paralysis on one side of the body
What is Decussation
The crossing of nerves as they leave the cerebral cortex so the patient might drooping face on left and weakness on right
When doing the drift test what part of the brain are you assessing
The cerebellum Posture, balance, equilibrium
How many Cranial Nerves are there
What is the saying to memorize cranial nerves
On, Old, Olympus, Towering, Top, A, Friendly, Viking, Grew, Vines, And, Hops
What are the first 3 cranial Nerves and what are there function
1) Olfactory Smell
2) Optic Sight
3) Oculomotor Movement of eye pupil and eyelid
What are the 4 and 5 cranial nerves and Function
Towering, Top
4) Throchlear (Movement of eye)
5) Trigeminal (Chewing, Pain, Temperature touh of mouth and face)
What are 6,7,8 cranial nerves and what are there functions
A, Friendly, Viking
6) Abducens Movement of the Eye
7) Facail (movement of the face, tears, salvation and taste)
8) Vestibulochlear or auditory ( Hearing and balance)
What are 9,10,11,12 cranial nerves and their functions
Grew Vines And Hops
9) Glossopharyngeal (swallowing, taste, sensations in mouth and pharynx)
10)Vagus (Sensatoin and movement of the pharynx, larynx throat and GI system)
11) Accessory (movement of the head and shoulders)
12) Hypoglossal (movement of the tongue)
Define Ataxia
describe alteration of persons ability to perform coordinated motions such as walking
Define Gait
A Walking Pattern
Assessing Gain is assessing what part of the Brain
Cerebellum because it is fine motor skill you don't have to think about
Define Myoclonus
Rapid Jerky muscles contractions
What is a Rest Tremor
pateitn at rest and not moving
Intention Tremor
Patient is asked to reach out and grab an object
Postural tremor
When you have to maintain a body position for a long period of time.
Define Tonic Activity
Rigid contracted body posture so tight body shakes
Define Clonic
Rhythmic contraction and relaxation of muscle groups
Define Paresthesia
numbness or tingling
Define anesthesia
No feeling at all
What part of the body used glucose faster than any other part
What is the happens When D50 extravasation into the interstitial space
Can casue severe damage or death to muscle nerves and skin
When do we use Thiamine
For malnourished Hypoglycemic Patients
Other than D50 what is secondary Treatment to Hypoglycemia
What do we administer for Seizures
Diazepam or Valium Can give it rectally
Narcotic Overdose treatment
ABC and Naloxone