History Topic 2 Test

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Christopher Columbus

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Christopher Columbus


America (island in the Bahamas)

First to discover the americas and impacted the world with his discovery, started columbian exchange. Claimed lands for Spain, spread christianity, and started settlements

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Vasco De Nunez Balboa


Found the pacific ocean through the Americas

Went to Panama, behind the mountains in central america to see the Pacific Ocean

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Henry Hudson


Discovered Hudson river and sailed as far as Albany New York.

Discovered Hudson River in his ship Half Moon When he traveled up to New York he turned around when he realized he had not found a passage to India and turned back         

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Jaques Cartier


Traveled along St. Lawrence River found mountain peak in present day Montreal and named the mountain Royal Mountain mont royal

Hoped to find the Pacific ocean through St. Lawrence River did not make it to the pacific, found mountain peak he named mont-royal is present day city of Montreal

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Prince Henry the Navigator


Charted and made a school for explorers, navigators.

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Amerigo Vespucci


Coast of South America

America was named after him.Found that south america and asia weren’t connected and named

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Ferdinand Magellan


Sailed all the way around the world Southernmost tip of South Africa and found water that was calm. 

died in the Philippines but his crew continued to sail west and came back to spain.

Named the water pacific for calm ocean.

crew were the first to sail around the world

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Juan Ponce de Leon


Made first spanish landing on the north american mainland

He never found the fountain of youth or gold that he was looking for but his exploration led to the first Spanish settlement in what is now the US, a fort built at St. Augustine Florida in mid 1500’s

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Hernando de Soto


Led an expedition to explore Florida and what is today southern east United States

Traveled west and died of fever; Went to claim Florida for Spanish crown

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Francisco Vasquez de Coronado


Travels took him through northern Mexico and what is today southeastern United States.

Searched for the city of seven cities of Cibola after Hernando de Soto. Led a large expedition from what is now Mexico to present Kansas

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