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What is 49?
Right brachiocephalic vein
What is 26?
Left brachiocephalic vein
What is 8
Brachiocephalic trunk
What is 27
Left common carotid artery
What is 33
Left subclavian artery
What is 67
What is 40
What is 7
Descending thoracic aorta
What is 9
Left atrium
What is 27
What is 11
Left main bronchus
What is 5
Brachiocephalic trunk
What is 12
Left common carotid artery
What is 14
Left subclavian artery
What is X?
Right subclavian artery
What is Y?
Left subclavian artery
What is 3?
Cephalic vein
What is 1?
Basilic vein
What is 2?
Median cubital vein
What is 4?
What is 10
Subclavian vein
What is 6
Axillary vein
What is 3
Cephalic vein
What is 1
Anterior tibial artery
What is 7
Popliteal artery
What is 8
Posterior tibial artery
What is 11
Tibiofibular trunk
What is 6
Fibular artery
What are the borders of the superior mediastinum?
Thoracic inlet (superior thoracic aperture)
Manubrium of the sternum
Bodies of thoracic vertebrae T1-T4
Mediastinal pleurae
Sternal angle
The sternum has:
Body of the sternum
Manubriosternal joint
Xiphoid process
What is X?
Arch of the aorta
What are the X’s?
Left and right brachiocephalic veins
What is 4
Brachiocephalic trunk
What is 14
Left common carotid artery
What is 37
Superior vena cava
What is 10?
Left common carotid artery
What is 18
Left subclavian artery
What is 9
Left brachiocephalic vein
What is 8
Hemi azygos vein
What is 3
Arch of the aorta
What is 24
Ligamentum arteriosum
What is 24
Right brachiocephalic vein
What is 16
Left phrenic nerve
What is 31
Right phrenic nerve
What is 19
Left vagus nerve
What is 34
Right vagus nerve
What is 17
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
What is 19
What is 7
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
What is 10
What is the junction between the manubrium and the body of the sternum
Sternal angle/T4-T5
Where is the junction between the superior and inferior mediastinume
Transverse thoracic plane/T4-T5
Where does the trachea bifurcate
Where does the left recurrent laryngeal nerve loop round the aorta
What is 18
Thoracic duct
What are the borders of the inferior mediastinum
Transverse thoracic plane
Body of sternum
Costal cart6ilages
Thoracic vertebraes 5-12
Mediastinal pleurae
What is the function of the thymus?
T cell maturation
What does the anterior mediastinum have?
Thymus and internal thoracic arteries and veins
What does the middle mediastinum contain?
Phrenic nerves
Pericardiophrenic vessels
What are the 4 points where the oesophagus is constricted?
Pharyngeal oesophageal junction
Arch of aorta
Left main bronchus
Diaphragm at oesophageal hiatus
What chamber of the heart is the oesophagus closely related to in the inferior mediastinum
Left atrium
At what vertebral level is the oesophageal hiatus
At what vertebral level is the vena cava at
At what vertebral level is the aortic hiatus
What is X
What is X
Azygos vein
What is X
Azygos vein
What is the arrow pointing at
Left vagus nerve
What is 1
Azygos vein
What is 7
What is 4
What is 1
Accessory hemi-azygos vein
What does the hemiazygos vein drain
inferior left hemithorax
What does the accessory hemiazygos vein drain
superior left hemithorax
What is 10
Left brachiocephalic vein
What is 3
Arch of aorta
What is 4
Azygos vein
What is 5
Brachiocephalic trunk
What is 9
Hemi-azygos vein
What is 11
Left common carotid artery
What is 13
Left subclavian artery
What is 16
Right brachiocephalic vein
What is 17
Right subclavian vein
What is 21
Superior vena cava
What is X
Azygos vein
What is the arrow pointing to
Greater splanchnic nerve
What is 9
Left axillary artery
What is 5
Axillary artery
What is 4
Axillary artery
What is 4
Axillary artery
What is 9
Left axillary artery
What is 1
What is 2
Arch of aorta
What is 3
Brachiocephalic trunk
What is 4
What is 5
Dome of diaphragm
What is 6
Inferior vena cava
What is 10
Left common carotid artery
What is 11
Left subclavian artery