can be life threatening because your not sweating
herpis simplex 2
occurs below the waste
is caused by exesive heat
is a form of seborrheic
is a cronic infammatory skin disease
is a sign of healthy skin
The germinativium
is a layer of skin responsible for the growth of the epidermis
Characteristics of albinism
would include eyes that are pink and skin sensitive to light at early ages
foul smelling perspiration
vitamin E
helps to fight against the harm effects of sun rays
The american cancer society
recommends using the A,B,C,D,E cancer checklist to help make potential skin cancer easier to recongize
Also known as wart is hypertrophy of the epidermis caused virus is infectious
a flat spot or discoloration on the skin
The Reticular layer of the dermis
contains lymph glands
Sebaceous glands
with exception of palms and soles found in all parts of body particularlly in the face
A papule
(a primary legion) that is a small elevation on the skin contains no fluid but may develope puss
A Bulla
is a large blister containing watery fluid
A excoriation
a skin tone or abrassion produced by scratching or scraping
maligiment melonoma
is the least common of skin cancer but is 100% fatal if left untreated
An open Comodone
is also known black head