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Local freezing of diseased tissue to facilitate removal w/o bleeding
Which is used for scalp hemostasis in cranial procedures?
I'm severe aortic stenosis, all are indications of valve replacement except:
In event of child requires ER surgery, but parents can't be located to sign surgical consent
Consent signed by 2 consulting physicians
Ethylene oxide sterilization destroys microbes by process of
Most common cause of aortic aneurysm
Used to determine position of cannulated screws during repair of femoral neck fracture?
Guide pins
Instrument shown below (hank dilators) used to dilate the:
Prior to being placed in EtO sterilizer, items must:
Be completely dry
During general anesthesia induction, which sense is last to be experienced by patient?
Purpose of creating an arteriovenous fistula is for
What nerve is at greatest risk during a thyroidectomy?
Recurrent laryngeal
Which nerve could be compressed against humerus in prone position?
What is surgical procedure for reducing testosterone in prostate cancer?
Name of retractor shown below (Sweetheart)
If the broth in steam sterilization biological indicator is yellow after incubation, what action should be taken?
Items must be immediately recalled
Specimen 5cm is equal to
Which vessels arises from right ventricle of heart?
Pulmonary artery
Instrument below (lambotte osteotome) is used to
Cut bone
Which area is prepped 1st when performing skin prep for skin grafting?
Donor site
Which has legal significance in mishandling of a bullet?
Damaging ballistic markings
Which procedures requires preoperative high-level disinfection of endoscope?
Which maintains position of uterus?
Broad ligament
What device would surgeon use to preserve facial motor & sensory functions during a parotidectomy?
Nerve stimulator
If surgeon uses a knife blade to incise oral mucosa, the preferred blade is
Gravity steam sterilization process can be rendered in effective if the
Temp is below 250°
A suture used to retract a structure to side of operative field is a/an
Traction suture
What must circulating surg tech do when placing patient in supine?
Confirm ankles aren't crossed
What body system aids in metastatic spread of cancer cells?
Which is inserted into TM incision during myringotomy?
PE tube
Which organelle contains digestive juices?
During a thyroidectomy, if all parathyroid glands are accidentally removed, what complication will occur?
Tetany- severe cramps, convilsions, twitching muscles, extreme joint flexion from low calcium
Which surg instruments is used to retract lung?
Which instruments would be used to remove nasal polyps?
Krause nasal snare- loaded w/ flexible wire placed around polyp to dissect free
What anatomical structure is Mersilene tape sutured around during a cerclage?
Cervix cerclage (Shirodkar's procedure)
What would preop DX be for infant undergoing craniectomy?
Craniosynostosis (when suture lines prematurely close)
Where is anterior chamber of eye located?
Posterior to cornea & anterior to iris
Which would contraindicate preop setting up cell saver machine?
Cancer patient
Which med is contraindicated for patients w/ history of malignant hyperthermia?
Which is an incision into TM for removal of accumulating fluid?
Which is not a requirement when patient is placed in prone?
Safety belt placed below knees
A tissue specimen being sent to pathology for frozen section is prepared by placing into a
Container w/o preservative
Body's 1st line of defense against infection
Intact skin
Which stapling device would be used to create anastomosis during a low anterior resection?
EEA- intraluminal used to resect & reanastomose distal colon/rectum
Packing material would be placed as a dressing after surgery on the
Lining of thoracic cavity
Proper method for removing knife blade from handle when breaking down Mayo
Use heavy hemostat/needle holder
Route of drug administration is parenteral
Vascular, fibrous covering of bone
Type of dressing would usually be used for laparotomy procedure
To prevent deep-vein thrombosis in bariatric patient, what preop drug is given?
Heparin- 30min before
Which space is entered during thymectomy?
Femoral rasps used for
Prep intramedullary space for prosthesis
Part of immune system
Spleen- tonsils & lymph nodes
Incision frequently used for pedi aortic coarctation repair?
Posterolateral thoracotomy
Type & cross match for blood is completed
If blood loss w/ replacement is anticipated
Purpose of kidney elevator
Increase space b/w lower rib & iliac crest
When storing info on hard drive of comp, what's clicked?
Proper method for handling disposable suction containers when turning over OR
Wipe down outside of container & place in biohazard bag for disposal
Can cause lumbosacral strain in lithotomy position
Buttocks extend past table break
Midline xiphoid to pubis incision commonly made for
Abdominal aortic aneurysmectomy
Which item should surg tech confirm is available for nerve repair?
Loupes- magnifying lenses also used in platics & neuro
How often should biological testing of EtO sterilization be conducted?
Every load
Liquid chemical sterilant often used for sterilizing endoscopes w/ cycle time of 30min?
Peracetic acid
When should 1st closing sponge, sharp & instrument count be completed?
Prior to closure of body cavity
Contraindicated for use around eyes & ears b/c of potential for corneal abrasions & ototoxicity
Short-acting narcotic opioid given intramuscularly for preop sedation
Meperidine (Demerol)
Leg extensor muscles: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius collectively called
Quadriceps femoris
Not a retractor used during prostatectomy
Minutes a Frazier suction tip be immediate-use flash sterilized in gravity steam sterilizer
Preop procedures completed for diabetic patient
Antiembolic stockings placed in patient
Induced hyperthermia typically associated w/ which specialty?
What block involved medication being injected into subarachnoid space?
Conditions might require use of Silastic urethral catheter
Latex allergy
A patient receives preop instructions to remove nail polish to
Preevent pulse oximeter malfunction
How often should steam sterilizing machine's strainer be cleaned?
Smallest microorganism that requires a host cell for replication?
Which surgeon might provide operative exposure for neurosurgeon in transsphenoidal approach to sella turcica?
Intraop mutagenic & carcinogenic hazard of laser use
Laser plume
Type of solution recommended for cleaning OR floors during room turnover
Used to remove resected prostatic tissue during TURP
Ellik- toomey syringe also
Patient is instructed to be NPO for 8hrs prior to surgery to prevent
Which procedure would instrument (heaney hysterectomy clamp) be used?
Essential element of hemoglobin
Large, bony process found on femur
Incisions performed for repair of liver laceration
Just before surgeon make skin incision, which must be performed?
Pulse rate of pregnant patients
Portion of stomach superior to esophageal sphincter
Closing sponge count initiated at
Operative field
Linen pack to be steam sterilized must not weigh more than
Procedure imperative that surg tech maintains sterility of backtable & Mayo until patient transports out OR
Statements concerning peel packs is correct
When labeling w/ felt-tip marker right on plastic side
2 structures identified & ligated during cholecystectomy?
Cystic artery & cystic duct
Primary responsibility of 1st scrub surg tech during cardiac arrest in OR
Protect sterile field
Removal of lung
Hours steam biological indicator must be incubated b/f recording results
Responsible for causing transmission of spongiform encephalopathic?
Prion (protein substance)