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Somatic cells
“body” cells and contain normal number of chromosomes (diploid, 2n). skin cells, brain cells, etc.
“sex” cells and contain half the normal number of chromosomes (haploid, n). sperm cells and ova (eggs).
Diploid (2n)
two sets of genetic information in homologous chromosome pairs
Haploid (n)
one set of genetic information in single copies of each chromosome
pairs of chromosomes in a diploid organism that have the same structure, gene sequence, and loci but have different alleles
cell division to produce gametes (sperm or egg). 2n to n. necessary for sexual reproduction. two divisions.
the fusion of a sperm and egg to form a zygote (fertilized egg)
fertilized egg
Homologous chromosomes carry…
genes controlling the same inherited traits
the location of the gene on a region of a chromosome
23 pairs
humans have _____ of homologous chromosomes
Humans have…
22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes
method of organizing the chromosomes of a cell in relation to number, size and type
code for most of the offspring’s traits. sets 1-22.
Sex chromosomes
determine sex. 23rd set.
Interphase 1 (meiosis 1)
Chromosomes replicate (S phase). Each duplicated chromosome consist of two identical sister chromatids attached at their centromeres.
Meiosis 1 phases
Prophase 1, metaphase 1, anaphase 1, telophase 1
Prophase 1
longest and most complex phase (90%). chromosomes condense. synapsis occurs.
Synapsis (prophase 1)
homologous chromosomes come together to form a tetrad (2 chromosomes/ 4 chromatids)
two pairs of homologous chromosomes next to each other
one of the two identical halves of a chromosome that has been replicated in preparation for cell division.
Non-sister chromatids
couples having the same length, patterns, and position of the centromere
Sister chromatids
two exactly similar copies of a chromatid. have the same genes.
links a pair of sister chromatids together during cell division
Crossing over
occurs after synapsis (prophase 1). segments of non-sister chromatids are exchanged. increases genetic variation.
Crossing over forms…
new recombinant chromosomes
Crossing over location
occurs at a site called the chiasma (plural: chiasmata)
a process by which pieces of DNA are broken and recombined to produce new combinations of alleles
Metaphase 1
shortest phase. tetrads align on the ___ plate. independent assortment occurs. orientation of homologous pairs is random.
Independent assortment
alleles of two genes will segregate into daughter cells independent of one another
number of possible configurations in metaphase 1
Anaphase 1
homologous chromosomes separate and move towards the poles. sister chromatids remain attached at their centromeres.
Telophase 1
each pole now has a haploid set of chromosomes. cytokinesis follows and two haploid daughter cells are formed.
the physical process of cell division, which divides the cytoplasm of a parental cell into two daughter cells
Meiosis 2
no interphase 2 (no dna replication). almost identical to mitosis.
Prophase 2
spindle fibers attach to the centromeres of the chromosomes
Metaphase 2
chromosomes line up along the metaphase plate in the center of the plate
Anaphase 2
sister chromatids separate
Telophase 2
2 nuclei form. cytokinesis follows. 4 haploid daughter cells produced. all genetically different.
Germ cell
can either go to mitosis to produce other germ cells or it can undergo meiosis in order to produce gametes
Synaptonemal complex
protein structure that holds homologues together
cross-shaped structures where homologues are linked together. keep the homologues together after the synaptonemal complex breaks down.
Oogenesis (egg production)
only one functional egg is made while non-eggs (polar bodies) undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death)
Gene linkage
genes inherited together or in recurring groups. genes don’t assort independently.
Crossover events
genes that are father apart are more likely to be separated by _____
Gene mapping
the process of determining the location of genes on chromosomes. rate of linkage allowed scientists to do this.
Linked genes examples
Red hair/fair skin, red hair/freckles, brown hair/curly hair, brown hair/brown eyes, blonde hair/ blue eyes, blonde hair/fair skin
segements of DNA
different forms of a gene
Dominant allele
masks a recessive
Recessive allele
expressed when dominant is not present
what allele combination an organism has
physical manifestations of genes
The law of dominance (mendel’s law 1)
there are dominant and recessive alleles
The law of segregation (Mendel’s law 2)
During meiosis 1, the two alleles that an organism carries are randomly split. each gamete recieves just one copy of the gene. 50% of gametes have one allele and 50% have the other.
Sex linked (X-linked) traits
Males will always express the one gene they have. only females may be carriers of a recessive trait. males more likely to be affected by recessive traits (ex: baldness, colorblindness)
Incomplete dominance
A third (new) phenotype for heterozygous. Intermediate blend between dominant and recessive phenotypes.
both traits expressed equally
Dihybrid crosses
two traits crossed at once
The law of independent assortment (mendel’s law 3)
any combination of alleles is possible in a gamete
If A and B are independent then
P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B) (multiply)
A and B are mutually exclusive then:
P (A and B) = P(A) + P(B)
The expression of one gene is affected by another. Genes can mask or later each other. Can result in new phenotypes.
Recombination frequency
recombinations have different combinations of genes than either parent
Chi-square analysis
used to determine if the differences between two data sets are statistically significant or due to chance alone
Chi square equation
χ2 = ∑(Oi – Ei)2/Ei
Chi square analysis process
Formulate null hypothesis
Find your critical value (p-value almost always .05)
Compare critical value to chi square statistic
Greater - reject null, less than - accept null
Critical value
the intersection of your degrees of freedom and alpha (cut-off p value)
Phenotypic plasticity
phenotype is flexible and can be influenced by the environment (ex: temperature). One genotype can yield multiple phenotypes.
Homologous chromosomes do not separate properly during meiosis (anaphase 1 or 2). Results in abnormal number of chromosomes in gametes
Down syndrome
Trisomy 21
Turner syndrome
single X
Kinefelter syndrome
Pedigree charts
show a family record of a hereditary condition. used to study transmission of disease, physical traits, etc. generations identified by Roman numerals. Individuals identified by Arabic numerals from the left.
Autosomal recessive conditions
the parents of the affected individuals are not affected themselves. it skips a generation and few individuals are affected. (ex: cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, albinism)
Autosomal dominant conditions
two affected parents have an unaffected child. every affected person has an affected parent and many are affected. (ex: cleft chin, huntington’s disease, marfan syndrome)
X-Linked recessive
More common in males. Females only express if homozygous recessive. Fathers never pass traits to sons. Father’s X is only passed to daughters. Only females can be carriers. Sometimes shown as half-shaded. Usually skips a generation. (ex: color blindness, baldness, haemophilia)
X-linked dominant
Affected fathers pass to all daughters but never sons. Both males and females may inherit from their mother. (100% if XA XA, 50% if XA Xa). Equal proportions of males/females. NO CARRIERS. (ex: vitamin D-resistant Rickets)
Some genes affect many different characteristics, not just a single one
Lethal alleles
some genes have alleles that prevent survival when homozygous or heterozygous
Complementary genes
recessive alleles of two different genes may give the same phenotype
Incomplete penetrance
not all individuals with a genotype display a corresponding phenotype
Variable expressivity
individuals of particular genotype may have stronger or weaker versions of a phenotype
having only one copy of the gene
Mitochondria and chloroplasts
have their own DNA
Extranuclear inheritance
transmission of genes that occur outside of the nucleus
Mitochondrial inheritance
mitochondria and mtDNA are inherited maternally, as mothers always pass on their mitochondria and their mtDNA to their children. fathers never pass mtDNA.
Continuous variation
a range of phenotypes (ex: height)