History Unit 7

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the cold war

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the cold war

An ideological conflict between 2 super powers US & USSR that dominates global affairs between 1945-1990

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bipolarization of cold war

  • Britain politically split down middle between Capitalists and Communists

  • NATO vs. Warsaw Pact

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4 Freedoms Speech

Roosevelt identified 4 freedoms everyone in the world ought to enjoy

  • Freedom of speech (positive)

  • Freedom of worship (positive)

  • Freedom from want (negative)

  • Freedom from fear (negative)

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Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • United Nations

  • Roosevelt’s ideas appear in declaration

  • Private property rights (capitalist, first world nations) → positive freedom

    • Communist aspects → negative freedoms

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wanted full control of Eastern Europe to spread communism in reaction to the US threats

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committed the US to the containment of Soviet expansionism in Europe; established the Truman Doctrine to economically appeal to Europe and prevent communism from spreading

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  • leader of Communist resistance in Yugoslavia

  • remained neutral in Cold War

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The Truman Doctrine

  • President Truman requested aid for Greece and turkey to prevent expansion of communism

  • Financial aid to countries threatened by communism

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The Marshall Plan

  • Economic recovery to rebuild prosperity and stability throughout Europe

  • Prevent appeal to communism and bring in $ from European purchases of American goods

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The Soviet’s perception of the Marshall Plan

  • Capitalist imperialism

  • Attempt to buy support of small vulnerable European countries → economic exploitation of US

    • Soviets could not counter Marshall Plan except tighten control of Eastern Europe

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against further aggressive Soviet expansion; adroit and vigilant application of counter-force at a series of constantly shifting geographic locations corresponding to Soviet Policy

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Spread of Communism in 1946

communists seized control, all non-communist parties dissolved w Klement Gottwald

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  • exception of Soviet domination; neutralist nation

  • Tito leader

    • Gained support of people to form an independent communist nation with neutralist policy

    • Yugoslav Communists going away from Stalinism and went to decentralized economic/political system -- workers exercise political pwr

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Shanghai Massacre

  • 1927: Chinese flee cities to countryside

  • Leads to Civil war b/w Nationalists and CCP

    • A new kind of rural/agricultural communism, targeting peasants/farmers

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Communists vs. Nationalists war in China

  • Communist victory and Soviet Union gave very little assistance to CCP

  • Truman admin took investigation of further expansion in the region

    • Containment of East Asia

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Long March


  • Defining moment for chinese communism

  • Force of 90,000 → 9,000 soldiers

  • Ultimately escape to where they can be isolated in countryside → Mao + supporters come to power

  • By showing the struggle of the Long March, it becomes a badge of honor to legitimize communism in power to Mao and peasants

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New China

china’s communist leaders’ desire of peace lessened by desire to erase humiliation from imperialist powers and restore traditional aspects in Chinese empire

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  • China’s attempt to recreate buffer zone in Korea and Taiwan → conflict w foreign pwr

  • Tension b/w China & US for Taiwan (taiwan = defense in pacific for US)

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Mao Zedong

Leader of CCP who wanted to consolidate pwr and heal from war

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Mao’s Plans

  • Transition to socialism with 5 year plan

    • increases industrialization and increase food production to meet population overgrowth → didn’t work out (15 million starved to death)

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Great Leap Forward


  • Collective farms

  • Massive communes which made it worse

  • Mao wants this to be point where China leaps forward, but people question his rule instead

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Cultural Rev in China


  • Uses to eliminate rivals

  • Re-energize revolution because people are lazy

  • movement to destroy all vestiges of traditional societies

    • 4 olds: idea, habits, customs, culture

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How can the cultural rev in China be achieved?

  • Cult of personality

  • Red guard groups of youth responsible for abuse in rev

Public shaming and violence

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  • State defined as a Hindu state → Muslim = minority

  • Formation of Pakistan: Muslims wanted a state

  • Violence between population in religious conflict from Pakistan to India

  • British declared 2 independent states India & Pakistan

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Ali Jinnah

  • Leader of Muslim league

  • Demanded creation of separate states for Muslims & Hindus

  • Argued that nationalistic ideologies could not feel unified if there are distinct peoples; a nation needs of a homeland because of self-determination

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Nehru (in comparison to Jinnah)

  • Leader of INC

  • determined to unite the two states to make one unified nation

  • Argued that there are so many differences beyond Hindus and Muslims, so there would be no way to stop splitting; Muslims not financially capable; no geographic sense since 2 religions are spread throughout India

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Nehru believed (in comparison to Gandhi)

  • Only solution to world’s probs = socialism to end poverty, unemployment

  • Changes in political/social structure

  • Land & industry focuses

  • feudal / autocratic ruling

  • Values views in the middle of British Labor Party & Stalinism

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Gandhi believed

  • Independence most important to have full pwr -- each village defending itself

  • Shared community composed of individuals

  • Gov should not crush their ppl w law enforcement, but give strength to their ppl

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imperialism coming to an end

  • 1946: US granted independence to Philippines

    • 1948: Union of Burma received independence

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french/dutch imperialism

  • French/Dutch refused to turn their colonies over to nationalist movements at end of war

  • US feared communist victory w Dutch vs. East Indies → pressured Dutch to grand independence to Sukarno and Indonesia granted independence

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new nations in southeast asia govs

  • A lot of nations newly granted freedom took after western democratic model

    • some failed to root postwar bc independence had not ended economic inequality (lacking tech, edu resources, capital investment)

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  • foreign policy president and founding father of Indonesia

  • Wanted to Unite Indonesia

  • diverse socio-cultural composition

  • Believed in an anti-colonial nation

  • Founded Non-Alignment Movement (NAM)

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guided democracy

Sukarno aims to improve weak points in overly-free democracy, but really intended to secure his pwr

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The domino theory

US theory similar to containment that if a country falls to communism, then communism will rapidly spread

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Who was the Burma independence movement led by?

Aung Sang

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Led the military dictatorship of Burma from 1962-2006

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Aung San Suu Kyi

  • primary activist against military dictatorship in Burma

  • Under her rule: ongoing Rohingya Genocide

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1940 in Indonesia

Dutch tries to re-establish colonial rule

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1950 in Indonesia

Sukrano leads fighting and Indonesians win independence

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1955 in Indonesia

Sukrano leads vision of guided democracy, creating unity between divided ethnic groups/ideologies

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  • Military general of Indonesia who took power from 1965-2000

  • Authoritarian, anti-communist rule

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1940 with Vietnam

Independence movement vs. France

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Battle of Dien Bien Phu

Vietnam defeats France

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How is Vietnam split?

  • United Nations splits Vietnam

  • Northern zone for Vietnamese rebels

  • Southern zone for Vietnam (France)

  • Free electron to bring 2 zones together and US wants it (domino theory)

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Ngo Dinh Diem

  • dictator US installs

  • Refuses to hold elections to crush communism

  • US repressive regime

  • Expands Vietnam war

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Dec of Vietnam

  • Argues that Vietnam deserves independence for nationalism and right to sovereignty

  • Audience to US by using language of US Dec

    • Present list of complaints and show that Vietnam values US principles and wishes for their support

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wanted a socialist society, but realized that its supporters were focused more on land, social justice, peace, and honest government → new democracy

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red guards

consisted of discontented youth + workers mobilized by Mao to sanitize China from capitalist elements

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Independence declared for East Pakistan (riots against government, India intervened on their side)

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Greek Civil War

  • possible confrontation between. Soviets + British, gave opportunity for Truman administration to take a stand

  • Communist-led forces (supported by Tito) v.s. pro-West governments

  • Great Britain withdrew from Greece (post-war economic problems)

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George Kennan

  • US Diplomat experienced in Soviet affairs

  • Believes Russia = insecure, feels behind

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Chiang Kai-Shek

  • nationalist + anti-communist, would provide economic and political support for Soviet Russia in China

  • Lost lots of support to Mao, fled to Taiwan with his government

  • In Taiwan: Republic of China

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Clement Atlee

new prime minister of Britain, part of Labour party

Announced that power would be transferred to "responsible Indian hands" by 1948 June

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  • Formation of Pakistan (for Muslims) to avoid oppression (minority)

  • migrations between countries, Pakistan and India were defined as their religions

  • people wanted to avoid being a minority → deaths (religious conflicts + chaos)

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President Ferdinand Marcos

discarded democratic system in Philippines and established centralized control

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People’s liberation army

grows by promises of land + social justice and governments failure to solve economic problems

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