An age where knowledge is often based on scientific evidence and empirical evidence.
Enlightenment project
The age of reason and rational thought (over superstition and magic).
Comte - Science is superior
Argued that science is now considered a SUPERIOR form of knowledge compared to superstition and the supernatural beliefs of pre-modern societies.
Comte - Replacement of knowledge sources
Argued that religions will eventually be replaced with science as the main source of knowledge because religion is a belief system based on superstitions and magic.
Science as an open belief system - Popper
It allows it's knowledge claims to be challenged, tested and even refuted.
Falsificationism - Popper
Good science tries to disprove and falsify theories instead of just verifying them. (Open belief system)
CUDOS norms - Merton
Argues that science is a social activity that operates in a relationship with society. 4 key features: C - Communism U - Universalism D - Disinterestedness OS - Organised Scepticism
CUDOS: Communism - Merton
Scientific knowledge is common property shared throughout the community.
CUDOS: Universalism - Merton
The extent that scientific knowledge is objectively judged and agreed universally (not just by one nation/social group).
CUDOS: Disinterestedness - Merton
Scientists should have no vested interest in their research, to avoid distorting or exaggerating their findings.
CUDOS: Organised Scepticism - Merton
Healthy scepticism in which all scientific data are open to question.
Science as a closed belief system
Kuhn - Paradigms Woolgar - Science is socially constructed
Post modernists: Lyotard - Science is a metanarrative
Paradigms - Kuhn
A framework of scientific laws and theories in which a discipline operates. i.i a set of rules in which science abides by. This can restrict scientists' thinking, dismissing research which contradicts the paradigm laws.
Paradigm shifts/Scientific revolutions - Kuhn
When the entire discipline changes to a new set of laws, this rarely happens and only does so after years of resistance to the new evidence/theories. e.g earth being discredited as flat.
Science is socially constructed - Woolgar
Used research by Cambridge astronomers as an example. They picked up radio signals from a star and recorded them as LGM1/2/3. LGM being - Little Green Men. Leading the researchers to speculate that aliens were sending the signals. Findings were reconstructed more scientifically to 'pulsars' to give more credibility.
Science is a metanarrative - Lyotard (Postmodernist)
Science is a complete explanation of life, existence and purpose. However there is also incredulity towards scientific metanarratives too.