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<b>Social Elites</b>
- Mandarins in Ming/Qing
- Janissaries and the Devshirme in Ottoman Empire
<b>Major Empires</b>
- Russian, Ming/Qing, Mughal, Safavid, Ottoman, Inca, Aztec, Songhai
<b>State Rivalries</b>
- Safavid vs. Mughal Wars
- 30 Years War
- Songhai vs. Morocco Wars
- Ottoman vs. Safavids religious conflicts
<b>Population Growth</b>
- China, Mughal Empire, Europe and Ottoman Empire population growth causing increased pressure on the environment
<b>Belief Systems Supporting or Opposing Empires:</b>
- Sikhism
- Protestant Reformation
- Twelver Shiism
- Aztec human sacrifice
- European Divine Right of Kings
- Songhai Islam
<b>Tax collection systems:</b>
- Mughal zamindar tax collection
- Ottoman tax farmers
- Aztec tribute list
- Ming collecting taxes in harsh currency
<b>Growth and intensification of land trade routes</b>
<b>Gunpowder Weapons</b>
- Hand cannons in China
- Great bombards in Europe
<b>Printing Press (in Europe, much earlier in Asia)</b>
<b>New Architectural tech</b>
- Indo-Islamic Architecture
- Renaissance in Europe