AICE PSYCOLOGY PAPER 1 2023-2024 (copy)

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What are the assumptions of Social approach?

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What are the assumptions of Social approach?

- Behavior, cognitions and emotions can be influenced by other individuals
- Behavior, cognitions and emotions can be influenced by groups and social contexts.

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What are the assumptions of Learning approach?

-Each life begins as a "blank stare" observable changes to our behavior can result from interactions with our environment.
-The processes of social learning, and operant conditioning are the ways in which humans and animals learn. These processes involve stimulus-response i.e. experiences within our environment.

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What are the assumptions of Cognitive approach?

-similarities between the way people and computers process information.
-individual differences in cognitive processes such as attention, language, thinking, and memory, which can help to explain our differing behaviors and emotions.

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What are the assumptions of Biological approach?

- Similarities and differences between people can be understood in terms of the biological factors and their interaction with other factors.
-behavior, cognitions, and emotions can be explained in terms of the working of the brain and the effect of hormones, genetics, and evolution

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What is the individual vs situational debate about?

- Example for individual explanation: due to individual differences in human brains, people react differently to violent images).
- Example for situational explanation: when a young person is in a group, he/she will feel more brave/confident in approaching a member of the opposite gender.

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What is the nature vs nurture debate about?

- Nature: behaviors/feelings are hard-wired (innate of genetic).
- Nurture: behaviors and feelings develop through the lifetime of a person, and especially during childhood.

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What are the 3 studies in social psychology?

Milgram(obedience), Piliavin(subway Samaritans), Perry et al.(personal space)

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What is the psychology being investigated in Milgram?

Obedience to authority.

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What research method is Milgram?

Lab experiment.

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What are two features of the Milgram sample?

40 Participants, all male. They were paid $4.50.

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What sampling technique was used in Milgram?

An ad was placed in the newspaper.

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How many participants went up to 300 volts?

All of them.

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What was the test shock the lab coat man gave the teacher?

45 volts.

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How many participants went up to the max volt?

26 of them.

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What is a brief description of the procedure in Milgram?

White man in a lab coat introduces everyone, allows for the learner and teacher to pick their roles out in a hat. The hat had both teacher roles on it, making it rigged. The man in the lab coat said they would be memorizing word pairs. The lab coat man showed the teacher the apparatus, which was a chair with electrodes hooked up to it, a 45 volt shock was given for a test.

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What are two strengths and weaknesses of Milgram?

One strength of Milgram was the standardization, another was debriefing. One weakness of Milgram was ethics, another was mundane realism.

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Was Milgram individual or situational?

Situational because it was a certain situation that the participants volunteered for, it would not happen in real life.

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How can Milgram be applied to daily life?

It shows how obedience can really change with type of authoritative figure.

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Ethics of Milgram's Experiment

- Deception, No right to withdrawal, Protection, etc.

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What was the Psychology being investigated in Piliavin?

Diffusion of responsibility.

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What are a few features of the sample for Piliavin?

4450 Subway riders, NY City subway station.

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What sampling technique was used in Piliavin?

Opportunity Sample.

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What are some results of Piliavin?

Cane victim had 62/65 of the trails helped. The more a situation escalated, the less likely one is to help. 19/38 of the trials the drunk victim was helped. Same race was more apparent in the drunk condition.

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What was the procedure in Piliavin?

Team boarded a train using different doors, female confederates recorded data, male model and victim stood next to the pole in the critical area, after the train passed the first station the victim collapsed.

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What are two strengths and weaknesses of the Piliavin study?

Mundane realism and standardized procedure. Deception and informed consent (overall ethics) were other guidelines violated in this study.

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Ethics (Piliavin)

Only broken one was protection, informed consent, etc.

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Was Piliavin individual vs situational?

Situational, the types of victim formed the situation, causing different helping behaviors.

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What is the psychology being investigated in Perry et al.(personal space)

Interpersonal distance(personal space)- the relative distance between people

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What was the method in Perry et al.

Laboratory experiment with mixed experiment design

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What were the IV in Perry et al. (experiment 1)

Empathy(high and low), Treatment(OT or placebo, Condtion(levels of closeness/stranger,authority,friend, and ball)

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What were the IV in Perry et al.(expirment 2).

Empathy and Treatment

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What was the DV of Perry et al.?

personal space
(Experiment 1- space between participant and person/object)
(Experiment 2- perfered distance and angle between two chairs in the room.)

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What was the sample of Perry et al.?

-54 male graduates ages 19-32 from the University of Haifa.
-The High Interpersonal reactivity index group had 20 participants/scores being greater then or equal to 40/ mean age 23.9
-Low IRI had 20 also with scores below 33/ mean age 25.9
(IRI is the assessment of empathy)

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