Cinthio’s Hecatommithi (original)
Othello didn’t have a name - referred to as ‘The Moor’
Ingo was in love with Desdemona (motive?)
Kills Desdemona by beating her with a sand-filled stocking
Moor and ensign turn on each other - Moor is tortured and then killed by Desdemona’s relatives
No Barabantio
No Roderigo
Emilia knows about her husband’s plot but is afraid to speak out
Iago and Emilia have a daughter - Iago steals handkerchief while Desdemona is holding her
The Moorish Ambassador
Immigrants from Europe came to England facing religious persecution
England had begann mailing alliances with Africa and the Ottoman Empire - visitors in London such as Moroccan ambassador
Leo Africanus - ‘The Moor’
“Most honest people they are”
“very proud and high-minded, and woonderfully addicted unto wrath”
“No nation in the world is so subject unto jealousie”
Shakespeare’s life
Witnessed immigration
Originally wrote a play about Thomas Moore that was censored, so wrote Othello instead
Lived during Elizabethan and Jacobean era
Jacobean Era
Trend of plays in Jacobean times was to deal with trickery, cuckoldry and transitory absence of authority
Strict social hierarchies and restrictions on women in the home and in public (obedient, chaste, subservient to men)
Renaissance Era - classical ideas of humanism (individual’s emotional and psychological depth)
Venice and Cyprus
Venice is cosmopolitan and diverse, full of wealth and political stability
Ottoman-Venetian Wars in 16th century
Geographically familiar, being situated in Europe, but also exotic as it had close trading ties with North Africa and Middle East
Polluted by prostitution and other social ills, Venice was over-civilised, licentious, ingrown society
Cyprus - more barbarous, bastion of male power, savage, war-like milieu
Fortified outpost on the edge of Christian territory
Geographical dichotomy allows D and O to move from an urbane, civilised Italian city-state to a barren, military encampment - intensifies Iago’s psychological assault
King James I’s fascination with Turkish history
Othello is a Christian (converted from Islam)
Set during ongoing wars between Christian Republic of Venice and Muslim Ottoman Empire
Women and Marriage
Women subordinate to men during 16th and 17th centuries - while initially transgresses this (“Our great captain’s captain”), eventually succumbs
When married, became their husbands’ possessions - fathers expected to chose husbands for their daughters (D and O go against this)
Desdemona says she is “bound” to both her husband and her father, and owes him a “duty”
Stereotype of Venetian women - Venice as seedy underbelly, “Whore of Venice”, Iago’s suspicions Emilia has slept with O
Wheel of Fortune
Unpredictable nature of fare and changing fortunes
Spun by goddess Fortuna (woman)
Great Chain of Being
Hierarchical structure which ranked all beings
God - angels - king - men - women - animals - plants
Four bodily fluids - blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm
Determined a person’s temperament and an imbalance led to certain sicknesses
Blood - sanguine temperament
Yellow bile - choleric (bad-temperred/ irritable)
Black bile - melancholic
Phlegm - phlegmatic
Women cheat on husbands; husband is deceived
Thought they would grow horns on their heads as external symbols of cuckoldry
Emasculating/ damages reputation
Military Context
High value placed on military prowess and loyalty during Shakespeare’s time
Ottomans - external military threat