crush small sample of wheat germ, add 1.0 ml (20 drops) of distilled h20, swirl
add 1.0 ml (20 drops) of 25% liquid dishwashing detergant solution, swirl
add 1.0ml (20 drops) of 8% sodium chloride solution, swirl
hold tube at slight angle, add 2.5 ml (50 drops) of 95% ethyl alcohol to form layer over mixture
gooey mass of dna go out of mixture and in between layer of alcohol and wheat germ mixture
select organism
isolate dna
sequence dna
map the genome
enzymes called helicases seperate dna strands by breaking hydrogen bonds between bases, the y shaped region results when the two strands seperate (replication fork)
enzymes called dna polymerases add complementary nucleotides (freely floating in nucleus) covalent bonds form and hydrogen bonds form between bases
polymerases finish replicating and fall off, result is two seperate and identical dna molecules
-works from 5’ to 3’