a. __audiovisual construction__ \~ electronic presentation of materials (audio, video, …)
b. __autoinstruction__ \~ self-paced training method w/o an instructor (e.g., *programmed instruction* → chunks/frames of material w/questions and feedback that a person goes through on their own)
c. __conference__ \~ trainer meets w/trainees and can discuss the material and ask questions (active learning)
d. __lecture__ \~ trainee gives a presentation to a group of trainees (efficient)
e. __modelling__ \~ watch smb perform a task and then model what has been seen (live/recorded; effective/ineffective behaviour)
f. __on the job training__ \~ showing how to do a job while the employee is doing it (e.g., apprenticeship)
g. __role play__ \~ pretending to do a task as if it was real (part of the modelling procedure)
h. __simulation__ \~ pretending as if the situation is real, with all the same equipment and all, carrying out the tasks as they would in real life
→ __computer games__ also found to be effective