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-able (adj)
able to be
-ac, acious (adj)
tending to
-acity (noun)
quality of being, inclined to
-acy (noun)
quality of being or having
-ain, -al, -ial, -eal, -an, -ian (adj)
pertaining to-an
-ance, -ancy (noun)
quality of
-archy (noun)
rule by
-ari, -arium (noun)
place for
-ast (noun)
one who does
-ate (adj)
-cle, -cule, -el (adj)
-cracy (noun)
rule by
-crat (noun)
one who advocates or practices rule by
-ectomy (noun)
surgical removal of-en
-ence, -ency (noun)
quality of being
-et, -ette (adj)
-gram (noun)
thing written
-graph, -graphy (noun)
-ific (adj)
-ify (verb)
to make
-ible (adj)
able to be
-ion (noun)
act of
-ism (noun)
belief in
-ist (noun)
one who believes in
-ite (noun)
one connected with
-itude (noun)
quality of
-itious (adj)
tending to
-ity (noun)
quality of
-ive (adj)
tendig to
-ize (verb)
to cause, to make or to do
-lence (noun)
state or quality of
-lent (adj)
full of
-logy (noun)
science of, study of
-m, -ma, -,mat (noun)
result of
-men, -ment (noun)
result of
-mony (noun)
quality of
-nomy (noun)
science of, study of
-or (noun)
one who does
-or (noun)
state of
-ory (adj)
tending to
-ory, -orium (noun)
place for/where
-ose, -ous (adj)
full of, pertaining to, like
-se, -sia,-sis, -sy (noun)
act of
-st, -t, -te (noun)
one who does
-tics (noun
art, science, or study of
-tomy (noun)
surgical operation on
-ure (noun)
act of
-y (adj)
quality of