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How does exercise effect the cardiorespiratory
cardiac output
capillary supply
blood volume
Cardiovascular anatomy…
heart, peripheral circulatory system, RBCs
What does the cardiovascular system do
supplies muscles and organs with O2
removes metabolic by-products from tissues
critical for performance
Heart muscle layers…
endocardium, myocardium, epicardium, pericardium
innermost, lines heart cahmbers, allows smooth blood flow
middle, think and muscular, pumps blood
outer, thin, protective
protective outer sac, loosly surrounds heart
Right ventricle has…
deoxygenated blood, and sends it to the lungs via the pulmonary artery
Left ventricle has…
Oxygenated blood, send it to the body via the aorta
right atrium has…
• Deoxygenated blood from body
• Via superior/inferior
vena cava
left atrium has…
• Oxygenated blood from lungs
• Via pulmonary vein
Semiulnar valves…
Open when ventricles contract to direct blood flow into arteries
Pulmonary valve
R vent> Pulmonary artery
Aortic valve
L vent> aorta
Blood Pathway
Blood into R atrium via sup/inf vena cava (Deox)
Blood flows to right ventricle via tricuspid valve (Doex)
R vent pumps blood to lungs through pulmonary valve via pulmonary artery (Deox)
Blood into L atrium from lungs via pumonary vein (OX)
L atrium pumps blood to L vent via bicuspid valve (OX)
L vent pumps blood to the body through aortic valve, via aorta
What is the sinus node?
• Bundle of nerve fibers that control heart rate
• inside right atrium wall
• Generate a nerve impulse (action potential)
• Causes muscle walls to contract
Systolic BP
• During ventricular contraction (systole)
• How hard heart works
• Strain against arterial walls during contraction
Top number
Diastolic BP
• During heart relaxation (diastole)
• Indicates peripheral BP (outside the heart)
• Ease with which blood flows from arterioles to
hypertension is…
high blood pressure
What is cardiac output?
• Amount of blood pumped by heart into aorta each minute
• Quantity of blood that flows into peripheral circulation
Stroke vol * Heart Rate = Cardiac output
What is stroke volume?
• Amount of blood (ml) pumped out of left ventricle per heartbeat
• Resting: 70 ml
What is heart rate?
• Rhythmical contraction of the heart walls (beats per minute, bpm)
• Resting: 40-70 bpm
What is intensity of work?
• Estimated by measuring heart rate via carotid or radial pulse
Peripheral circulatory system consists of…
• Consists of blood vessels made up of layers of tissue
• Smooth muscle cell layer allow vessels to contact
• This regulates blood flow throughout the body
Arteries carry blood____ from the heart
Arterioles are…
Small vessels that branch from arteries
Capillaries are…
• Tiny vessels that branch from arterioles
• Composed only of endothelial cells
• O2, nutrient, by-products exchange
Veins carry blood____the heart
Venules are…
Small vessels that branch from veins
valves do….
• Open with blood flowing towards heart
• Close with blood flowing away from heart
prevent backflow
Plasma is…
transport fluid
Platelets are..
the clot forming component
white blood cells are…
infection fighting cells
RBC make up ___% of blood volume
45%= hematocrit
RBCs carry O2 from ____>____
lungs to body tissues
RBCs carry CO2 from ____>____
body tissues to lungs
Transport of CO2
Transport of CO2 helps regulate
• Ionic equilibrium (chloride shift)
Ph balance (bicarbonate)
O2 uptake is…
VO2, Amount of O2 consumed due to aerobic
metabolism, measured as O2 volume consumed in one minute
Calculation of VO2 max
= cardiac output (central component, amnt of O2 delivered by cardio system) * a-v O2 difference (peripheral component, amnt of O2 extracted by skeletal msc)
2 factors affecting O2 delivery
cardiac output
What is cardiac output?
• Amount of blood pumped by the heart
• Determines O2 volume delivered to tissues
what is hematocrit?
• Concentration of red blood cells
• Determines amount of O2 per a volume of blood