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what is mental health
a state of well being in which a person realizes their abilities, copes with normal stresses of life
what is mental illness
characterized by alterations in thinking, mood or behavior
who is mentally ill
20% of us adults, costs us economy 300 billion per year
insane asylums
late 1800s
state run mental hospitals
advent of antipsychotics
1960s onwards
jails and prisons
treatments for mental disorders
psychotherapy, antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers
specialize mental health, diagnose and prescribe meds
diagnose mental disorders, provide psychotherapy
anxiety disorders
31% of adults, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder
generalized anxiety disorder
excessive anxiety and worry for at least 6 months
panic disorder
abrupt surge of intense fear or disorder that reaches a peak within minutes
7% of adults, high among military, police, development of specific symptoms such as involuntary memories or flashbacks and dreams after being exposed to one or more traumatic events
ptsd treatment
CBT — exposure therapy, eye movement and desensitization and reprocessing
about 12% of people, symptoms of depressed mood, diminished pleasure in activities, feelings of worthlessness
treatments for depression
antidepressants, SSRI (least amount of side effects), psychotherapy
bipolar disorder
causes extreme change in mood, formerly known as manic depression
bipolar type 1
at least one manic episode, may be accompanied by hypomania or depression
bipolar type 2
hypomanic and depressive episodes
manic episodes
elated mood, feeling euphoric and can get irritated fast, fast paces, impulsive
mixed episode
depressive symptoms during mania, can lead to suicidal thoughts or suicide
co-occuring disorder
have a bipolar episode at the same time of having a drug or alcohol problems
treatment for bipolar disorder
antidepressant or antipsychotic
affects less than 1% of adults, delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech
treatments for schizophrenia
anti depressants, but not the best choice
characterized by unstable moods and behaviors, high rate of suicide, 40%, pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self image, affect, impulsive
BPD treatments
second leading cause of death among persons 10-34
1.2% of adults, separated by obsessions and compulsions
recurrent and persisent thoughts, urges or images
repetitive behaviors or mental acts
body dysmorphic disorder
2.4% of adults, preoccupation with perceived flaws in physical apperance
most common childhood disorders, persist pattern of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity, interferes with functioning or development
treatment of adhd
failure to notice detail, fail to stay in conversation, having trouble remaining focused or being easily distracted
fidgeting, inability to stay in one place for extended time, excessive talking, tendency to interrupt people