Ketose vs Aldose
Ketone group vs aldose group on anomeric carbon
What does a reducing sugar have?
Free aldehyde group
How do you turn a reducing sugar into a non-reducing sugar?
Glycosidic bond at reducing end
How does a linear sugar cyclize?
3rd (furanose) or 4th OH (pyranose) group attacks anomeric carbon
Between which Carbons does a glycosidic bond form between two sugars?
Carbon 1 and Carbon 4
How is a glycosidic bond named?
Use alpha/beta from anomeric carbon then state which carbons are bonded
Why is cellulose insoluble to humans?
Beta linkages
Why is chitin insoluble to humans?
Beta Linkages and branching
Why can humans break down amylose?
Standard 1,4 link
What are the branches on glycogen good for?
Reducing glycogen breakdown times