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Name the 5 themes of the Quran
Benefits to creatures
Themes of the Quran: God
Tawheed: Oneness of God
Surah Al-Ikhlas
‘Ahad’ comes from ‘wahid’ or one.
Islamic doctrine is rooted in the pure belief in the Oneness of God, the Glorified, and that there is no one but Him, or opposite to him, etc. Absolute, Independent, Sufficient, above human qualities.
4 features of Tawheed
Belief in the Oneness of Allah himself:
“Allah, The Glorified, is one Unique in Himself; not one of His creatures is like Him; there is none unto Him” (112,4).
Belief in the Oneness of Allah in His attributes:
He is above all faults, no one is like him in His attributes. He has complete absoluteness, knowledge, power, will, etc.
“The most beautiful names belong to Allah, so call upon them” (7, 180)
Belief in the Oneness of Allah in His actions:
Allah alone can create, and provide Man’s provisions. No one can, other than Allah, affect the creation. None can repeal Allah’s will or do what He does.
Belief in the Oneness of Allah through worship:
True belief in Allah is incomplete without worshipping Allah faithfully.
“There is no God but I, So serve thou me and establish regular prayer for celebrating my praise” (20,14)
Themes of the Quran: Hereafter
Soul remains in the grave. Munkar and Nakeer visit to ask the soul about it’s religion.
The believers grave is filled with light, and they are shown their place in Hell and Heaven.
Day of Judgement:
“That Day, a man shall flee from his brother; from his mother and his father; from his wife and his children. For on that Day, every man will have enough to make him indifferent from others” (80:34)
All humans will stand naked and uncircumcised on a great plain under the ferocious heat of the sun, a group of pious people will be shaded under the throne of Allah. For example: a just ruler, those who controlled their desires, who spent in charity, etc.
Believers will be given their records in their right hand.
Believers will be ushered towards the eight gates of paradise. The best Muslims will ascend first, to the highest level.
“And therein is whatever each soul desires and delights the eyes” (43:71)
“Indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers chains and shackles and a blaze” (76:4)
Bound in chains, drinking boiling water that burns their intestines, etc.
Themes of the Quran: Prophethood
Every Prophet of Allah strove to build man’s relationship with God.
Guidance is revealed through prophets. It is part of their mission to translate it into practice.
Prophethood leads the path to his followers and assists in bringing them out of their ignorance.
Themes of Prophethood: Worship
Worship can be divided into physical (salat, sawm), monetary (zakat) or mixed (Hajj, Umrah)
“I have not created the man and the jinn for any purpose except that they should worship me”
“So establish regular prayer and give regular alms, and obey the Messenger”
First stage of the Writing of the Quran