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Before the Moorish Muslim invasion, who was Spain controlled by? During what time?
The Christian Visigoths (408 to 711 CE)
Who invaded Spain?
Berber North African moors under Arab leadership
What were the effects of Muslim colonization on Spain?
mass conversion to Islam, monotheistic believers were allowed to practice but they had to pay a tax (jyza)
What is Muslim irrigation led to?
Prosperity and the growth of philosophy and science, making spain a centre of culture in the Arab world
How many Spanish words are from Arabic origin?
What was the timeline for the Codex Vigilanus?
976 CE - the first Arabic numerals in Europe appeared in the codex Vigilanus in the year
1202 - Fibonacci, an Italian mathematician who had studied in Algeria, promoted the Arabic numeral system in Europe with his book Liber Abaci.
1482 - the system did not come into wide use in Europe, until the invention of printing.
Where was the house of wisdom established?
What were Muslim Advances?
Social Science
Transportation tech
What were medicine advances?
Physicians required to pass qualifying examinations
34 hospitals were built throughout the empire with separate wards for different diseases
Arabic medical works translated into olation and influenced european machine until 17th century
What were mathematical advances? And who ignited them?
Al-khawarizmi compelled the oldest known arabic works on arithmetic and algebra which was translated into Latin and used as basis for European texts until 16th century
What was the art advancement?
Arabesque refers to a floral style which is not geometric but weaves in and out of an illustration (Tessellation)
Calligraphy-used to decorate mosques, books, carpets, and porcelain (Particularly important in mosques)
What were astronomical advances?
Quadrant (measures angles)
Sextant (determines the altitude of planets, the latitude on earth),
Astrolabe (locates, predicts positions of planets determines local time and surveying)
What were geographic advances?
Mapped Europe, Asia, and Africa in great detail
Al-Idrisi used mathematics and astronomy to create maps
What were social scientific advances? And who ignited them?
Ibn-Battuta journeyed 75,000 miles in 30 years through all Arab countries, carefully recording his observations
Ibn-Khaldun was the father of modern historiography and sociology
What were transportation/technological advances? What were they used for?
Dhow boat with a lateen (triangular-shaped sail) used extensively by Arab and Muslim merchants and slave traders of black Africans
Camels-Muslims brought the one-humped camel
North Arabian saddle-introduced to expand trans-Saharan trade
What was it like before living under Muslim rule?
The arab conquest of Spain (eighth century)
There has been a Jewish community for hundreds of years, they had been there since the land was part of the Roman empire (They have settled and built communities in South-western Europe)
What language became the "lingua franca"? What was it used for?
Traders and merchants learned Arabic in order to conduct their business
What was taught to children living under Muslim rule?
Reading and writing
Torah, Mishnah, Talmud and Hebrew grammar
Natural science, medicine
Philosophic studies and observation on religion
What are the similarities between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity?
Monotheistic religions
Ancestors of Abraham
What is supersessionism/replacement theology?
Christianity has replaced Judaism. Islam has replaced both Judaism and Christianity (torah - old testament, bible - new testament, Qur'an)
What is the meaning of Islam? What is the basis of Islam? What are the teachings of the Qur'an?
Islam means submission in Arabic
The story of Muhammad's life, words, and deeds (hadith) are the basis of Islam
The teachings of the Quran and of Muhammad's life are fulfilled in the life of a community (the umma - the community)
What is a Semitic language? Give two examples of Semitic languages
Hebrew and Arabic
They are languages in which three letters form the root of most words
Where and when was Muhammad forced to flee?
In 622, Mohammed was forced to flee Mecca (Hijra) and he went to Medina.
What happened to Muhammad once he arrive to Medina? What were Muhammad's claims?
Jews in Medina rejected Mohammed's claims:
Their perceived inconsistencies in the Biblical stories
Low moral quality of his teachings
Removal of many Torah laws
Jews Rejected his claim as a proper (they argued that prophecy had ended much earlier)
What was Muhammad's reaction to the rejection of the Jews?
Changed prayer direction for Jerusalem to Mecca
Moved Sabbath to Friday
Yom Kippur to Ramadan
Declared most dietary laws were punishments for Jewish sins
Expelled Jewish tribes, killed most members of another (beheaded between 600 - 900 men)
What were the influences that Judaism set on Muhammad?
The Idea of God
Moshe is mentioned in the Quran over 100 times
Quotes the Torah over 100 times in the Quran
Adopted jewish practices to attract the jews - circumcision
Dietary laws based of Kashrut
Praying towards Jerusalem
Fasting on yom kippur
Five daily prayers
Adopted Abraham as the founding father of Islam
What is an Umma? What percent of the world is part of it?
An umma is a population and character.
Umma is the Islamic community which consists of roughly 1.9 billion members; making up about 24% of the world
The Quran calls every religious community an Umma since it represents a body under Islamic Law
The Umma has shared values, and common concerns, yet do not denote nationality kinship, or ethnicity
Who were the caliphs and their reign?
Abu Bakr - 632-634
Umar ibn al-Khattab - 634-644
What are the five pillars of Islam?
Shahada: Testifying to G-d's One-ness
Salat: Prayer
Zakat: Giving Charity
Sawm: Fast
Hajj: Pilgrimage
What was it like for Jews in Islamic Society?
Jewish people and Christians: people of the book
Second class status: Dhimmis
Classification of people:
Believers (muslims)
Tolerated infidels (Monotheists who are referred as people of the book - Jews and Christians)
Non-tolerated infidels (Polytheists)
What is the pact of Umar?
Set of laws for non-muslims (monotheistic believers) to keep them protected
Safer under circumstances (paying high taxes)
What are some examples of things said in the pact of Umar?
Not to build their cities in Christian neighbourhoods, near churches, and monks cells, nor should they repair them
They should not teach the Qur'an to their children
They should not express their religion
They should not let people who wish to convert
They should show respect to the Muslims
They should not try to resemble the Muslims, such as, their clothing and footwear
They shouldn't carry guns
They shouldn't engrave Arabic inscriptions on their seals
They shouldn't sell alcohol
They should dress the same, regardless where they are
They should not show any article of their religion (Crosses, bibles, jewish stars)
They should not make their homes or churches/shuls larger than Islamic temples
What is the Dhimmi status?
Dhimmi status that the Islamic tradition has used for Jews and Christians, denotes a protected status under Islam.
What was a form of protection given to the Dhimmis? What was it used for?
The jizya tax was used to humble the Dhimmis and treat them like second class citizens.