human microbiome
The collection of fungi, bacteria, Archaea and viruses that are found on the human body
microbial antagonsim
uses nutrients, attach to body surface, release wastes that are toxic to other organisms; competition against pathogens
opportunistic pathogens
when microbes enter, where there not supposed to be and cause harm
whats the importance of the human microbiome
crucial for human health, vital roles in digestion, immune system development, protection against pathogens
does every person have the same microbiome
no, we all come into the world with different microbiome
does every part of the human body have the same microbiome
no, the microbiome on your face, is different than what’s on your foot
acute disease
rapid onset, brief
chronic disease
slow onset, continual or recurrent
latent disease
inactive for a long time
aquire microbes, which may or may not cause disease
microbes has successfully invaded the body’s defense
how does a human obtain their microbiome
microbes are everywhere, from the time of birth your adapting to what your normal flora and infectious flora is
list 3 types of reservoirs of infection in humans
animal resevoirs
human carriers
nonliving resevoirs
list the portals of entry
skin, mucus membranes, placenta
parenteral route of infection
broken skin, insect bites
describe the 5 stages of infectious disease
distinguish b/w signs and symptoms of a disease
symptoms is how a patient feels; cant be measured, signs can be seen or measured
at what stage of infection disease,can a person be infectious
depends on what they have, could be whole duration or just point of illness, or even when there not showing signs anymore
asymptomatic infection
when a disease has no symptoms(but may have signs)
describe the main types of virulence factors
an adhesion mechanism
extracellular enzymes
antiphagocytic factors
list the portal of exit that pathogens use
mucus membrane
body secretions
body wastes
list the 3 modes of transmission and their subcategories
contact; direct/indirect contact, droplet
vehicle; airborne, waterborne, foodborne, bodily fluid
vector; biological,mechanical vectors
list examples of each mode of transmission
describe the importance of epidemiology to human health
its the study of disease in a population, it helps track incidence of disease around the world