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Protein comes from the Greek word
first rank of importance
‘proteios’ means?
proteins are synthesized in?
proteins are secreted by ____ into the circulation
proteins are secreted by hepatocytes into the circulation except ____ which are from plasma cells
effective blood buffers
molecular mass, tyrosine contents, specificity
proteins are very effective antigens due to their ____
primary structure
It is the linear sequence of the amino acids
primary structure
It determines the identity of protein, molecular structure, function-binding capacity, and recognition ability
secondary structure
It involves the winding of the polypeptide chain
secondary structure
It refers to specific three-dimensional conformations
tertiary structure
It is the actual three-dimensional configuration
alpha helix, beta pleated, bend form
the folding pattern of proteins
tertiary structure
It is responsible for many of the physical and chemical properties of proteins.
quaternary structure
It is the association of two or more polypeptide chains to form a functional protein molecule
it has no9 quaternary structure
hemoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine phosphokinase
give the 3 examples of quaternary structure
glucogenic amino acids
it generate precursors of glucose such as pyruvate or citric acid cycle intermediates
alanine, arginine aspartate
give the 3 examples of glucogenic amino acids
ketogenic amino acids
___ are degraded to acetyl-CoA such as leucine or lysine.
simple proteins
protein that contain peptide chains which on hydrolysis yield only amino acids.
simple proteins
proteins that may be fibrous or globar in shape
conjugated proteins
These are composed of an apoprotein and a nonprotein moiety (prosthetic group)
conjugated proteins
These proteins impart certain characteristics to the proteins.
nitrogen balance
It is a balance between anabolism (synthesis) and catabolism (breakdown).
negative nitrogen balance
It is when a protein catabolism exceeds anabolism.
negative nitrogen balance
it is characterized by excessive tissue destruction seen in burns, wasting disease, high fever, and starvation
positive nitrogen balance
It is when anabolism is greater than catabolism.
plasma proteins that migrates ahead of albumin.
2 days
life span of prealbumin
It is rich in tryptophan and contains 0.5% carbohydrate
It has significant B-pleated sheet conformation.
prealbumin served as transport protein for
It transports retinol/vitamin A by complexing with retinol-binding protein.
It is used to detect malnutrition and the individual's response to dietary supplementation.
It is used as a landmark to confirm thatthe specimen is really CSF
method for measurement for prealbumin
18-45 mg/dL
reference range of prealbumin
conversion factor of prealbumin
It is the most abundant protein in plasma
It is a general transport protein
osmotic pressure
albumin maintains ___
It is an indicator of nutritional status
It serves as circulating reservoir of amino acids.
Itis a sensitive and highly prognostic marker in cases of cystic fibrosis.
It is a "negative acute phase reactant" exhibiting decreased level in acute inflammatory processes
active nephrotic syndrome
Lowest plasma albumin levels are seen in
dye method (bromcresol green and bromcresol purple)
method for measurement of albumin
reference range of albumin
conversion factor of albumin
it t is a group of proteins consisting of a1, a2, B, and y fractions
Elevated concentration in early cirrhosis will balance loss of albumin, resulting in normal levels of total protein
indirect method
method for measurement globulin
globulin = total protein - albumin
formula used to measure globulin
2.3-3.5 g/dL
reference range of globulin
conversion factor of albumin
It is a group of proteins consisting of alpha 1, alpha 2, beta, and gamma fractions
alpha 1 antitrypsin
It is coded for by the SERPINA1 (Pi) gene on chromosome 14
alpha 1 antitrypsin
It is a major inhibitor of protease activity in plasma, preventing self-destruction of tissues
alpha 1 antitrypsin
a candidate for treatment of COVID-19 due to its antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects
alpha 1 fetoprotein
Glycoprotein that migrates between albumin and alpha 1 globulin band.
fetal yolk sac
alpha 1 fetoprotein is synthesized initially by _____
alpha 1 fetoprotein
Synthesized initially by the fetal yolk sac and then by the fetal parenchymal cells of the liver.
alpha 1 fetoprotein
Most abundant protein in fetal serum.
13 weeks
AFP peaks in the fetus at ____ of gestation
7th or 8th month
AFP is detectable in the maternal blood up to the ____ of pregnancy
maternal serum AFP
it is physiologically increased in twins
maternal serum AFP
used as a screening test for any fetal abnormal conditions; it detects neural tube defect (NTDs) and Down syndrome
alpha 1 fetoprotein
also used as a tumor marker (hepatic and gonadal cancer).
alpha 1 acid glycoprotein
Has greatest affinity for progesterone and binds drugs
quinidine, lidocaine, cardioactive drugs
alpha 1 acid glycoprotein has greatest affinity for progesterone and binds drugs, what are these drugs
alpha 1 acid glycoprotein
Useful diagnostic tool in neonates with bacterial infections
It binds heme released by degradation of hemoglobin
hemopexin has the strongest affinity for ____
It helps in the diagnosis of early hemolysis
beta region
hemopexin migrates in the _____ during electrophoresis
group specific component globulin
Exhibits affinity with vitamin D and actin (Vitamin D-binding protein)
alpha 1 and alpha 2 interzone
group specific component migrates in the ____ during electrophoresis
An alpha 2 glycoprotein and an acute phase reactant.
Has two heavy chains and two light chains linked by disulfide bonds in analogy to the basic structure of immunoglobulins
Binds free hemoglobin by its alpha chain
Prevents the loss of hemoglobin and its constituent iron into the urine
it evaluates the degree of intravascular hemolysis (HTR and HDN), and Rheumatic Heart Disease
It is a useful measure for monitoring patients who have slow but steady rate of red cell destruction, such as by mechanical heart valves, hemoglobinopathies, or exercise-associated trauma
Its plasma level is slightly decreased after blood transfusion
A copper-binding alpha 2 glycoprotein that has enzymatic activity
6 to 8
ceruloplasmin is synthesized in the liver, where ___ atoms of copper are attached
ceruloplasmin imparts ___ color to protein
Marker for Wilson's disease
wilson’s disease
ceruloplasmin is a market of what disease
ATP7B gene and C13
wilson’s disease is a disorder caused by mutation in what gene and chromosome
wilson's disease
Has a clinical features of: Deposition of copper in skin, liver, brain, and cornea (Kayser-Fleischer rings)
alpha 2 macroglobulin
Largest major non-immunoglobulin protein in plasma
alpha 2 macroglobulin
Found in the intravascular spaces and does not diffuse from the plasma space
trypsin, pepsin, plasmin
alpha 2 macroglobulin Inhibits proteases such as ___
alpha 2 macrogobulin
Increases ten times in nephrosis; due its large size, it is not normally present in the urine.
beta 2 microglobulin
Light-chain component of the major human leukocyte antigen (HA), encoded by the B2M gene
beta 2 microglobulin
Found on the surface of most nucleated cells; present in high concentration on lymphocytes
CD8 cells
beta 2 microglobulin is an essential protein in the synthesis of ___
elevated plasma levels
the result of impaired clearance by the kidneys or over production of proteins as seen in inflammatory diseases