do well
A body of ideas and methods we use in practical reading of literature
literary theory
a method of understanding the text’s meaning
literary criticism
a critical approach that views text as a structure of words and its main focus is on the arrangement of words rather than its implications
It views the world in terms of structures and relates that texts to a larger structure like a genre or system of recurrent pattern/motifs.
an idea, symbol, pattern or character-type in a story or an element that appears again and again in stories from cultures around the world.
These are tools that we use to attempt to understand literature or could be justification for a certain activity in literature
literary theory
the practical application of the Literary theories and is the evaluation, study, analysis and interpretation of literature
literary theories
They focus on grammar, the structure of plot, character roles and syntax and also analyzes the devices, techniques and other functions objectively
These are social, political and economic theories of Karl Marx and shows the struggle between social classes
These theories favor works that show these inequalities and support working classes and commonly show class conflicts and distinctions through literature
marxist literary theory
This is where characters experience a power struggle and mostly its themes are about racism, sexism and revolution
marxist literature
this is where its focus is on the life, times, and environment of the author and deals with the effect of these factors on the work of art
in Taine (1823-1893), race stands for ———
culture and history
in Taine (1823-1893), milieu is — and moment is —
place, time
this gives information of the author and his own period
literary work
in this wave of feminism, it is centered on the treatment of women by men
first wave
in this wave of feminism, it was a perquisite for the deeper and subtle social works
first wave
in this wave of feminism, it discussed the origin and operation of gender discrimination in ideology, culture and society
second wave
it refers to the study of woman’s writing
The place of women writers in literary history and the treatment and portrayal of women in literature.
a reflection of women’s situation by themselves in a long term and achievement of their specific and practical action
feminism literary theory
“patria” and “archy” means ——
family and rule respectively
this is where men are the principal authority figures
The Second Sex is published in — in —- by Simon de Beauvoir
French in 1949
the replacement for the word “female ” or “ woman ”
second sex
in the second sex, it is said that woman is just a —-
this examines how sexual identity influences the creation and reception of literary works and takes in lesbian and gay criticism
gender criticism
“masculinist" approach recently advocated by poet —
Robert Bly
a type of Literary Criticism that is also called as Christian Criticism.
moralist criticism
what are the 5 morals that moralist criticism evaluate
moralist criticism began since —
360 B.C.
Who is the Great Greek Philosopher who argued that literature and art had the ability to influence people.
this asks how the reader is affected, American Philosophy that evaluates morality
Post Modern Moral Criticism
Post Modern Moral Criticism is also called
After WWII, this was replaced by Neo-Humanism and has the same goal but uses Christian beliefs and teachings of morality as its basis.
christian humanism
This person taught as an English teacher in the University’s English department from 1916 to 1951 and published the Dead Stars in 1925
paz-marquez benitez
Melancholy is a feeling of
Apathetic is
no feeling or interest
tumultuous is
making loud noise
Indolent and errant is
lazy and guilty
Tantalizing and Reposeful is
interesting and relaxing
acrid and keen is
unpleasant smell or taste and eagerness
in divergent, she is a 16-year-old girl who serves as the novel’s protagonist and narrator
beatrice prior
in what faction did tris grow up
what are the 5 factions
he is a training instructor in Dauntless and emerges as Tris’s love interest over the course of the novel.
the sole Erudite representative on the city council and is a vague figure throughout much of the book, appearing indirectly though Erudite’s reports
is another training instructor in the Dauntless compound, and he quickly shows himself to be much more brutal than Tobias.
is Tris’s brother, whom Tris has always regarded as a perfect Abnegation citizen
is a former member of Candor and displays the straight talking nature that one would expect as a result.
is a former member of Erudite, and his friendship with Christina blossoms into romance
These three Dauntless initiates are Candor transfers and standard bullies, who taunt Tris throughout the initiation process.
peter, molly, and drew
is the ringleader and is especially unpleasant to Tris, even going so far as to kidnap her and hoist her over the chasm in the Pit.
is a high ranking member of the Abnegation council, and Erudite have been targeting him in their reports. (father of tobias)
the one who administers Tris’s aptitude test and is the person to tell her that she is Divergent.
He was first introduced in the book as the crying boy in the bunk bed and was a Dauntless initiate, transferred from Candor
one of Peter's friends and lackeys, also a transfer from Candor and an enemy of tris
faction members are presented with five bowls containing substances symbolizing the five factions, grey stones is for
faction members are presented with five bowls containing substances symbolizing the five factions, coals for
faction members are presented with five bowls containing substances symbolizing the five factions, water for
faction members are presented with five bowls containing substances symbolizing the five factions, earth for
faction members are presented with five bowls containing substances symbolizing the five factions, glass for
in the story number the stars, who is the protagonist of the story. She lives in Copenhagen, Denmark with her mother, father, and younger sister Kirsti.
annemarie johansen
who is the author in the story number the stars
lois lowry
Annemarie's schoolmate and best friend, who is Jewish.
Ellen rosen
Annemarie's mother, who is a strong and determined woman, firm but warm with her children.
Mrs. Johansen
Mrs. Johansen willingly risks her life to help Ellen and the Rosens to escape the
he was engaged to Lise Johansen
Peter neilsen
Annemarie's younger sister, who is five years old and a feisty, chatty girl. Completely unafraid of German soldiers and death
Kirsten Johansen
Mrs. Johansen's younger brother, a fisherman in the sea town of Gilleleje
A pillar of strength, he is deeply patriotic and willing to die for Denmark.
Mr. Johansen
The eldest Johansen daughter, who died several years before the beginning of the novel, around the end of 1941.
Lise Johansen
Mrs. Rosen fears the ——, but she overcomes it
The owner of the corner shop. She is Jewish. She and her family are among the first to leave Copenhagen.
Mrs. Hirsch
the fictional aunt whose fictional death is part of the plan to help Ellen, her family, and other Jews escape
Great Aunt Birte
Uncle Henrik's milk cow.
The kitten that Kirsti finds.
star of david necklace
who is the author of the wedding dance
amador daguio
why did Awiyao, who in spite of being in love with his wife, Lumnay, feels the need to marry another woman
in order to have a child
who is the girl that awiyao had to marry
in greek mythology, what is the highest mountain in greece
mount olympus
this is better known as war between titan and gods
this is the deepest pit in the greek mythology
this is also known as one-eyed creatures
what did zeus received as his forge weapon made by the cyclops
lightning bolt
what did poseidon received as his forge weapon made by the cyclops
trident (earthquake/tsunami)
what did hades received as his forge weapon made by the cyclops
helm of terror (invisibility)
how many years did the war between titans and gods lasted
10 years
what do you call the fearsome creature that has 100 arms and 50 heads
who is the mother earth
who are the children of gaia
who is pontus known as
god of sea
who is aureus known as
deity of mountains
who is uranus known as
personification of sky
who is the most ambitious child of gaia
what did kronos received to do the task of killing uranus
scythe made of diamonds
who is the son of the titan, yapitus and the oceanide, clemony in the greek mythology
what did prometheus give to the mankind that made zeus angry