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Neglectful Parents
Parents who fail to provide adequate care and attention to their children's physical and emotional needs.
The realization of one's full potential, typically considered the ultimate goal in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Hierarchy of Needs
A five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as a pyramid, where lower needs must be satisfied before higher needs.
Physiological Needs
Basic biological requirements for human survival, such as food, water, sleep, and breathing.
Safety Needs
The need for security, stability, and protection from physical and emotional harm.
Love/Belonging Needs
The human desire for interpersonal relationships, friendship, intimacy, and family.
Esteem Needs
The motivation to achieve self-esteem and the respect of others, which includes self-respect, confidence, and recognition.
Deficiency Needs
The requirements that arise from an absence of something, such as physiological, safety, love, and esteem needs.
Criticism of Maslow's Theory
Critiques include its elitist data, subjectivity, difficulty in testing, and the assumption that lower needs must be fulfilled before progressing to higher levels.
Cognitive Needs
The desire for knowledge, meaning, and self-awareness, considered a higher order need after esteem.
Aesthetic Needs
The desire for beauty, balance, and form, prioritized after cognitive needs in Maslow's hierarchy.
Transcendence Needs
The motivation to help others achieve self-actualization, considered the highest need in the revised hierarchy.
Characteristics of Self-Actualization
Behaviors that include tolerance for uncertainty, childlike absorption in experiences, and deep appreciation for basic life experiences.
Maslow's Theory Focus
Maslow's theory centers on motivation, suggesting that innate goodness drives individuals to achieve their potential.
Failure to Satisfy Needs
A lack of fulfillment of love/belonging needs leads to societal problems.
Innate Needs
Basic human needs that individuals are born with, influenced by nurturing.
Lack of Prejudice
An important characteristic of self-actualization, where one accepts facts as they are without bias.