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List the five components of a complete Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay (MCOO).
Avenues of approach, mobility corridors, natural and manmade obstacles, terrain mobility classifications, and key terrain
What is the difference between a Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay (MCOO) and a Combined Obstacle Overlay (COO)?
The MCOO is the COO with the addition of mobility corridors and avenues of approach.
The greatest distance that prominent objects can be seen and identified by the unaided, normal eye.
Measured in knots and determined by the air movement rate past a given point and the direction from which it is blowing.
Any moisture falling from a cloud in frozen or liquid form.
Measure in feet and is the height of the highest layer of several scattered cloud layers.
Cloud Ceiling
Measured in Fahrenheit and Celsius and is the value of heat or cold recorded by a thermometer.
A measure of water vapor in the atmosphere and is calculated as relative or absolute.
A scale that categorizes the force of progressively higher seas by wave height.
Sea State
The pressure exerted by the atmosphere at a given point.
Atmospheric Pressure
Key localities or aspects of the terrain with a commander's operational environment that are not normally thought of as militarily significant.
Determining how location, functions, capabilities, and consequences of its use can support or hinder the operation.
Elements that are necessary to save, sustain, or enhance life.
Groups that may or may not affiliate with government agencies.
Nonmilitary personnel who can have a positive, negative, or no impact on military operations.
Routine, cyclical, planned, or spontaneous activities that significantly affect organizations, people, and military operations.
What is the definition of Key Terrain?
Any locality or area which affords a marked advantage to either combatant.
What is the definition of observation?
Weather and terrain affects on the ability to see.
What is the definition of Cover?
Physical protection from bullets, fragments, flame, nuclear effects, and biological agents.
What is the definition of an Obstacle?
Natural or man-made obstructions employed to stop, impede, slow, or divert military movement.
What is the definition of an Avenue of Approach?
Air or ground routes used by an attacking force leading to its objective.
What is the desired End State of IPB Step 2?
Identify how the operational environment influences friendly and adversary COAs by utilizing terrain analysis, effects of weather and light, and refinement of requests for information.
Ture or False: Weather has direct and indirect effects on military operations.
What is the definition of Concealment?
Protection from observation.