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sound waves which have been reflected to a listener with sufficient
magnitude and time delay so as to be perceived separately from those
communicated directly from the source to the listener.
An auditorium design with audience surrounded on the front sides
The quietest possible condition should be provided so that intelligibility of speech does not suffer and even soft passages of music are heard
Long delayed reflection
the time delay
between the perception of direct and reflected sounds is somewhat less.
flutter echo
a rapid succession of noticeable small echoes observed when
a short burst of sound is produced between parallel sound reflective surfaces.
sound concentration
sound reflections from concave surfaces
concentrating in an area sometimes referred to as hot spots. The intensity of
sound at hot spots are always at the expense of dead spots.
coupled spaces
two rooms adjacent to each other by means of open
doorways, with at least one space being highly reverberant
an undesirable change in the quality of musical sound due to the
uneven and excessive sound absorption of the boundary surfaces at different
room resonance
Occurs when certain sounds within a
narrow band of frequencies tend to sound louder than other frequencies.
sound shadow
occurs when an area does not receive an adequate amount of
direct and reflected sound.
whispering gallery
high frequency sounds creeping along large concave
surfaces such as a hemispherical dome.
140 degrees
inclusive angle must be less than
fan shaped plans
gives lesser distance from speaker to seats/centroid.
slope must not be steeper than
____between opposite sound reflective
boundary surfaces should be avoided, to eliminate
undesirable back reflections.
maximum number of seats per row if have 2 aisles
maximum number of seats per row if have 1 aisles
flexible theatre
An auditorium with flexible stage and seating arrangement
3-4.5 sqm
suitable volumes for public lecture
4-5 sqm
suitable volumes for cinemas or theatre
4-5 sqm
suitable volumes for music hall, or concert halls
100 degrees
sidewalls should be arranged to have an angle not more than __ with the curtain line
23 meter
recommended distance of farthest seat from curtain line should not normally exceed __
curvilinear concentric seating scheme
linear and angled seating scheme
circular concentric seating scheme with rectangular stage
flat or convex
the auditorium rear walls should be and in shape
8 degrees
the angle of elevation should not be less than
12 cm
The elevation is based on the principle that each listened shall be elevated with respect to the person immediately on front of him so that the listenerās head is about __ above the path
celling reflector/ clouds
are used to direct sound energy from the stage to the seating
the seats should be arranged in __ for efficiency
the thread width
150 mm
the riser height
150 mm
the head depth
0.4- 0.7
the optimum reverberation time in lecture halls ad class room is ___
the lecture halls with volume of __ does not require a sound amplification system
150-200 persons
the lecture halls with an audience of ___does not require a sound amplification system
0.6-0.9 sqm
The floor area of the hall including the gangways should be calculated on the basis of __ per perso
6m and 7.5
The average height may be vary from for ___ small halls and ___ to large halls
3.5- 5.5
The volume should be normally range between ___ to ___ cu.m/ person