Social Media Analytics
Involves math, stats, and numbers to measure and evaluate user engagement and competitive intelligence.
Information collected through tools and programs, telling a story of audience reactions and interactions.
Connect relevant data to explain the "why" behind analysis, guiding businesses and influencers on understanding and interpreting outcomes.
Measurement Strategy
Involves collecting, analyzing data, discovering insights, and narrating past events to plan for the future.
Social Media Metrics
Key indicators like engagement, awareness, share of voice, referrals, conversions, and customer care for evaluating social media performance.
AMEC Components
Objectives, inputs, activities, outputs, outtakes, outcomes, and impact for strategic planning and evaluation in social media campaigns.
Measurement Tools
Traditional methods like focus groups, surveys, and interviews, as well as new tools like social media analytics and third-party platforms.
Importance of Measurement Strategy
Guides content creation, audience engagement, and identifying opportunities and risks in social media campaigns.
Outcomes Evaluation
Cognitive, attitudinal, and conative outcomes to assess comprehension, sentiment, and behaviors of the audience.
Calendar Planning
Scheduling posts, content, research, and evaluation to optimize resources and message placements during a campaign.
Budget Allocation
Investing in tools, content creation, staff, and research, considering metrics like cost per action, conversion, and engagement for social media success.