ecotoxicology presentation lecture 4 that i was totally not doing at 5 am because I am a friggin nightowl, how do i become a day bird pls help it's hard
What is a RISK
-potentioal of Gaining / Losing something of Value
-interaction with uncertain outcome
-expressed quantitatively (0-low=10-high risk) or qualitatively
Give examples of VALUES to protect
physical health, social status, emotial wellbeing, and other stuff i guess, i would add landscape and environment but that was not in her presentation
Describe HAZARD (activity)
=is a situation/object that is a threat. Unless we are near the hazard it is not a risk.
=in case of system failure causes harm
(For example edge of a cliff is hazard, but only going near the edge is a risk. || chemical operation || drilling work)
Descripe hazard TYPE, MODE, SEVERITY
TYPE: physical, chemical, biological, psychological, ergonomic
MODE: dormant, potential, active
SEVERITY: extreme, moderate, low
When does EMERGENCY occur
when a hazard is active AND mitigation measures don’t work
=disaster-(landscape) / accident-(towns)
if mitigation measures work it is “just” and “incident”
Definte a THREAT
=intent to inflict harm/ exploit
What valuables does an ASSET (value) set include?
EVERYTHING that has any value = material, immaterial, (ecosystem, water quality, health)
a weakness that can be misused (abused)
-physical, logical, in the administrative weaknesses exist
-usually exploited by the threat
Job of RISK MANAGEMENT (prevention)?
Prevent an emergency from happening by proposing PREVENTIVE MEASURES + identification of risks
Outcomes of managing da Risk:
Elimination - risk is completely eliminated
Reduction - safety systems are there to protecc us
transfer - insurance for possible impacts
NOTE: resources used to mitigate risk should be less impactful than the risk happening
-there is an EU legislation on Risk management
How to Manage a RISK? (oversimplified)
=> managing the risks is always performed in a specific order
=> works with best avaible information, is able to address uncertainty
=> is flexible
identify hazard
asses how vulnerable we are to it
determine the risk - likelihood of happening and type of attak
identify how to reduce risk
make preventive methods base don which one is best
handles situations where threat already intruded, security had been compromised
-we can at least try to minimise the CONSEQUENCES
=> modern tool to evaluate present risks of activities (any activities, any area of work)
What can go wrong?
How likely will it go wrong?
What are the consequences?
EXAMPELS of what it is assessing:
health safety requirements
efficiency and unriskiness of production
territorial planning (natural disaster vulnerability, emergencies)
research activities (process risk analysis)
other social threats like terrorism, covid
Probabilistic Risk Analysis equasion
triplet of:
p~probability of da scenario
c~consequences of da scenario
N=total number of scenarios
Example of a Disasters (hint: japan, japan, ukraine, italy)
Seveso-ITA, Chernobyl-UA, Fukushima-JAP
[history] Shortly about Seveso, ITA (enjoy reading)
-industrial accident near Milan
-small chemical plant released a shit ton of chlorobenzo smt gas (TCDD) yes it is poisonous.
-ofc they kept it silent until like 2 weeks after it happened
-what did we learn?: the system in that plant failed completely and today safety regulations are BETTER yay
[history] STOCKHOLM convention
since 1950s scientist (Carson) was like: ayo these chemicals do bad stuff to the planet we gotta stop
OSN prepared the convention
2004 almost all existing countries signed the convention
POPa are banned
Heard of ELD?
=Environmental Liability Directive
-is all about containment of spills and firewater (waste water)
-used when making large projects (OSN, WB, IFC)