Ch. 22 - The French Revolution and Napoleon

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one of the three clases into which French society was divided before the revolution: the clergy (First Estate), the nobles (Second Estate), and the townspeople (Third Estate)

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an annual direct tax, usually on land or property, that provided a regular source of income for the French monarchy

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the middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people

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"without breeches"; members of the Paris Commune who considered themselves ordinary patriots (they wore long trousers instead of the fine knee-length breeches of the nobles)

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an individual qualified to vote in an election

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coup d'état

a sudden overthrew of the government

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government established in France after the overthrow of the Directory in 1799, with Napoleon as first consul in control of the entire government

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the unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols

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a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, favoring obedience to political authority and organized religion

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principle of intervention

idea that great powers have the right to send armies into countries where there are revolutions to restore legitimate governments

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a political philosophy originally based largely on Enlightenment principles, holding that people should be as free as possible from government restraint and that civil liberties—the basic rights of all people—should be protected

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French Revolution

major turning point in history; institutions of Old Regime were destroyed, new order emerged, based on individual rights, representative institutions, and a concept of loyalty to the nation rather than monarch

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First Estate

130,000, own 10% of the land, divided, higher clergy were from noble families and shared their outlook and interests

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Second Estate

nobility, 350,000 people and owned 25-30% of land; crucial role in society in 1700s, held leading positions in the government, military, law courts, Roman Catholic Church, didn't have to pay chief tax

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Third Estate

divided by differences in occupation, level of education, and wealth; peasants made up 75-80% of third estate and owned 35-40% of the land; also had urban craftspeople and other workers

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Jacques Necker

financial advisor for Louis XVI, urged the king to reduce his spending, reform the govt, abolish tariffs, also wanted to tax the other two estates, after this he was immediately dismissed

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Tennis Court Oath

A pledge made by the members of France's National Assembly in 1789, in which they vowed to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution

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old fortress used as a prison and armory

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Great Fear

The panic and insecurity that struck French peasants in the summer of 1789 and led to their widespread destruction of manor houses and archives.

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The National Assembly

French Revolutionary assembly (1789-1791). Called first as the Estates General, the three estates came together and demanded radical change. It passed the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789.

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Olympe de Gouges

French journalist who refused to accept the exclusion of women

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Decclaration of the Rights of Man

proclaimed that all men were free and equal before the law, the appointment to public office would be based on talent, that no group should be exempt from taxation, freedom of speech and or the press were affirmed; women do not exercise political rights and functions

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Constitution of 1791

set up a limited monarchy and the Legislative Assembly would make the laws, consisting of 745 representatives

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Paris Commune

The revolutionary municipal council, led by radicals, that engaged in a civil war (March-May 1871) with the National Assembly , called them to suspend the monarchy and called for a National Convention

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National Convention

served as ruling body of France, lawyers, professionals, and property owners, distrusted the king, abolished the monarchy and established a republic

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A political party that emerged in revolutionary France after the fall of the monarchy in 1792 when the jacobins split into two factions. Named for the region in southwestern France where many of their leaders were from. They were members of the professional class (lawyers and merchants) who wanted a constitutional governemnt, opposed the growing influence of Parisian miltants, and championed the smaller provinces bewond the city of Paris. They agreed the king was guilty of treason but were reluctant to execute him, arguing for exile or a referendum on his fate. They were first to be targeted as the beginning of the Terror.

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radical faction in the Legislative Assembly, advanced the republican cause and were later opposed by moderate reformers

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Committee of Public Safety

took control of the government to defend France from domestic threats, adopted policies that became known as the Reign of Terror

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Jacobin Maximilien Robespierre

leader of the Committee of Public Safety who enforced Reign of Terror policies

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Reign of Terror

1793-94, This was the period in France where Robespierre ruled and used revolutionary terror to solidify the home front. He tried rebels and they were all judged severely and most were executed.

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a city that rebelled during a time when the Republic was in peril, 1,880 citizens of Lyon were executed

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where victims were executed by being sunk in barges in the Loire River

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Republic of Virtue

a democratic republic composed of good citizens

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Society for Revolutionary Republican Women

Composed of largely working-class women that were a family of sisters that were ready to defend France. However, many men believed they should not be in politics and instead at the home.

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The Convention

pursued a policy of de-Christianization, members believed that the religion encouraged superstition, rather than the use of reason, word saint removed from street names, churches were looted and closed by armies, priests encouraged to marry

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Notre Dame

center of the Catholic religion in France, designated a "temple of reason"

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new calendars

years now started from September 22, the first day of the French Republic

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The Constitution of 1795

set up two legislative houses; lower house, the Council of 500, drafted laws; upper house of 250, the Council of Elders accepted or rejected proposed laws, members chosen by electors

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(1795-1799), committee of five, chosen by the Council of Elders, known for mainly corruption, relyed on military

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Napoleon Bonaparte

1769; came from minor nobility, commissioned as a lieutenant, defeated armies of Papal States and Austrian allies; 1797 given command of an army in training to invade Britain, suggested taking Egypt, took part in the coup, overthrew the Directory in a coup, then Napoleon seized power, appointed officials, controlled the army, conducted foreign affairs, influenced the legislature; 1802 Napoleon made consul for life, two years later he crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I, developed centralized administrative machine

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Relationship with Church

first move of Napoleon first move was to establish peace with the Catholic Church, 1801 Napoleon came to agreement with the pope which recognized Catholicism as the religion of a majority of the French people, in return pope would not ask for the return of the church lands seized in revolution, no longer enemy of government

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Codification of the Laws

Created 7 law codes, most famous is the Civil Codes, preserved many principles that the revolutionaries had fought for: equality of all citizens before the law; the right of the individual to choose a professions ; religious toleration; and the abolition of serfdom and all feudal obligations; women were less equal than men, when married lost any control over any property they had, couldn't justify in court, more difficult to begin divorce

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Grand Empire

composed of three parts: the French Empire, dependent states (Spain, Holland, kingdom of Italy, Swiss Republic, Grand Duchy of Warsaw, Confederation of the Rhine), and allied states (Prussia, Austria, Russia, Sweden)

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Continental System

Napoleon's policy of preventing trade between Great Britain and continental Europe, intended to destroy Great Britain's economy.

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"Great Retreat"

After Napoleon invaded Russia they retreated and the Russians had burned down all the houses so Napoleons Grand Army didn't have any food and most of them starved on the way home, only 40,000 made it back alive

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Return of Napoleon

left Elba and came back to France, troops went to his side, March 20 1815 Napoleon entered Paris, attacked allied troops in Belgium

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Congress of Vienna

(1814-1815 CE) Meeting of representatives of European monarchs (Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia), called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon.

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Prince Klemens von Metternich

Austrian Foreign Minister who led the Congress of Vienna in 1814-1815. Advocated a conservative stance when rebuilding Europe following the Napoleonic Wars

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Aug 1792

Parisians storm the Tuileries Palace, slaughter the kings guards, and king barely escapes the mob

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September Massacres

Sept 1792; French citizens killed over 1,200 prisoners, who they thought were traitors

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Jan 1793

put Louis XVI on trial, found him guilty of treason, and is beheaded by the guillotine;

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Oct 1793

Marie Antoinette is executed

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Battle of Trafalgar

British Admiral Horatio Nelson smashed French fleet

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Battle of Austerlitz

Napoleon won crushing victory and Austria surrendered lands with 3 million subjects

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Concert of Europe

where leaders of Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Great Britain meat every so often to discuss any issues and problems regarding peace in Europe

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