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Falconer Formula
Calculates heritability using twin study data.
Monozygotic Twins
Identical twins sharing 100% genetic material.
Dizygotic Twins
Fraternal twins sharing 50% genetic material.
Concordance Rate
Percentage of twins sharing a trait.
Heritability (h2)
Proportion of variance due to genetics.
Phenotypic variance, sum of genetic and environmental variance.
Genetic variance contributing to trait differences.
Environmental variance contributing to trait differences.
Visual representation of an organism's chromosomes.
Homologous Pair
Chromosome pairs from each parent.
Cell division producing haploid gametes.
Cell division producing diploid cells without variability.
DNA Structure
Double helix formed by nucleotide pairs.
Building blocks of DNA, forming base pairs.
Adenine (A)
Base pairing with Thymine (T) in DNA.
Thymine (T)
Base pairing with Adenine (A) in DNA.
Guanine (G)
Base pairing with Cytosine (C) in DNA.
Cytosine (C)
Base pairing with Guanine (G) in DNA.
Semiconservative Replication
DNA replication method preserving one original strand.
DNA Polymerase
Enzyme synthesizing new DNA strands during replication.
Process of converting DNA to mRNA.
Three nucleotides coding for an amino acid.
Gene Expression
Process of converting genetic information into proteins.
Epigenetic Processes
Regulatory mechanisms affecting gene expression without altering DNA.
Barr Body
Inactivated X chromosome in female cells.
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome
Theory explaining adaptive behaviors from historical oppression.
C. Elegans
Model organism used in genetic studies.
Human Generation
Average span of 20 years in human studies.
Environmental Influence
External factors affecting trait development and expression.
Male pups breeding
Male pups bred with untraumatized female pups.
Mouse Epigenetics
Study of trauma effects on mice.
Acetophene exposure
Cherry blossom scent used in trauma studies.
HPA Axis
Stress response system important for tests.
FKBP5 methylation
Lower in Holocaust offspring than controls.
FKBP5 function
Linked to glucocorticoid receptor and cortisol.
PTSD differentiation
FKBP5 protein distinguishes trauma-exposed individuals.
Civil War study
Children of ex-POWs studied for mortality.
No-exchange ex-POWs
Had earlier mortality than others post-war.
POW status effects
Did not impact socioeconomic or marital status.
Y chromosome epigenetics
Possible transmission effects to offspring.
Gene definition
Expression or specific genetic conditions like Huntington's.
Huntington's Disease
Genetic disorder linked to chromosome 4.
Mitochondrial DNA
Inherited from maternal lineage, less information.
Nuclear DNA
Inherited from all ancestors, more complex.
mtDNA heteroplasmy
Variability in mitochondrial DNA inheritance.
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
Variation of one nucleotide in DNA sequence.
Insertions or deletions affecting gene function.
Mobile element insertion (MEI)
DNA segments that move within the genome.
Large deletions
Affect multiple genes in the genome.
Chromosomal segments flip orientation.
Abnormal chromosome number, includes trisomy and monosomy.
Turner Syndrome
Condition caused by monosomy of X chromosome.
Amino acid changes
Genetic variations can alter protein sequences.
DNA Sequencing
Process to replicate and analyze DNA.
Linkage Analysis
Identifies trait-genetic marker co-segregation.
Association Study
Correlates genetic variants with traits in populations.
Anxious Mice
Hypothesis linking mouse anxiety to human behavior.
Chromosome 1
Location of significant fearfulness genes in mice.
Synteny homology
Shared gene arrangement between species.
Bendesky et al.
Study on parental care evolution in mice.
Monogamous mice
Mice that mate with one partner.
QTL analysis
Quantitative trait locus analysis for genetic mapping.
Barrier surrounding cell, regulates entry/exit.
Selective permeability
Cell membrane allows specific substances to pass.
Gel-like substance within the cell membrane.
Cell organelle containing genetic material.
Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
Site for mRNA translation into proteins.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)
Synthesizes vesicles and processes proteins.
Golgi apparatus
Packages proteins into vesicles for transport.
Organelles that produce ATP, the energy currency.
Adenosine triphosphate
Primary energy carrier in cells.
Organelles that digest cellular waste.
Cell structure with a specific function.
Cell body (perikaryon)
Main part of a neuron containing the nucleus.
Extensions of neurons that receive signals.
Long projection that transmits impulses away.
Axon terminal
End of axon where neurotransmitters are released.
Junction between two neurons for communication.
Chemical messengers transmitting signals across synapses.
Proteins that bind neurotransmitters to initiate responses.
Sodium potassium pump
Transports sodium out and potassium into cells.
Ligand Ion channel
Opens in response to neurotransmitter binding.
Raphe nuclei
Cluster of neurons producing serotonin.
Neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation.
Single cell formed from sperm and egg.
Early stage of embryonic development.
Developing organism from weeks 3-8 of pregnancy.
Developing organism from week 9 to birth.
Neurexins and neuroligins
Molecules connecting pre and postsynaptic neurons.
Serotonin reuptake transporter (SERT)
Transports serotonin back into presynaptic neurons.
Positron emission tomography (PET)
Imaging technique assessing neurotransmitter binding sites.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Imaging technique for structural brain differences.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Measures brain activity by detecting blood flow.
Study of drug effects on mental illness.
Effects of drugs on their targets.
Movement of drugs within the body.
Genetic variation affecting drug responses.
Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA)
Enzyme that metabolizes serotonin.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI)
Drugs that increase serotonin by inhibiting MAOA.