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Ronald Reagan
U.S. president known for robust anti-communist stance and efforts to end the Cold War in the 1980s./
Mikhail Gorbachev
Soviet leader who implemented reforms that aimed to modernize the Soviet Union and reduce tensions with the West.
Period of eased tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union characterized by diplomatic engagements and limited agreements.
Agreement to cap the number of nuclear missiles each superpower could possess, signed in 1972./
Economic policy aimed at restructuring the Soviet economic system to incorporate market-like reforms.
Policy promoting openness and transparency in government, allowing for increased political freedoms in the Soviet Union.
1987 agreement that eliminated intermediate-range nuclear weapons between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
Strategic Defense Initiative
Proposed missile defense system intended to protect the U.S. from nuclear missile attacks, announced in 1983.
Prague Spring
1968 reform movement in Czechoslovakia aimed at increasing freedoms, ultimately crushed by Soviet intervention.
Brezhnev Doctrine
Policy justifying intervention by the Soviet Union in socialist countries to prevent threats of reform.
Irish Republican Army
Paramilitary organization fighting for Irish unification against British rule, engaging in violence and terrorism.
Nelson Mandela
Anti-apartheid activist in South Africa who promoted nonviolent protests and negotiations after initial support for armed resistance.
Six-Day War
A 1967 conflict resulting in territorial gains for Israel against Arab nations.
Camp David Accords
A 1978 peace agreement between Israel and Egypt, brokered by the U.S.
Palestinian Liberation Organization
A political and militant group formed to represent Palestinian interests and advocate for statehood.
An Islamist militant organization governing Gaza, known for its opposition to Israel and a more confrontational stance than Fatah.
Khmer Rouge
A radical communist regime in Cambodia (1975-1979) responsible for mass genocide and societal upheaval.
A disputed region between India and Pakistan, leading to multiple conflicts since the partition in 1947.
Sirimavo Bandaranaike
First female prime minister of Sri Lanka and the world, serving three terms with a socialist agenda.
Indira Gandhi
Prime Minister of India who implemented significant economic reforms but faced political challenges and emergency rule.
Benazir Bhutto
First female prime minister of Pakistan, known for her attempts to address economic issues amid corruption accusations.
Julius Nyerere
First president of Tanzania, advocating for African socialism and self-reliance despite economic difficulties.
A large city in a former colonial power, serving as a destination for migrants from newly independent nations
Kwame Nkrumah
Ghana's first president, known for Pan-Africanism and state-led development, later embraced dictatorship.
Charles de Gaulle
French president who facilitated Algeria's independence, emphasizing direct appeals to the populace.
Ho Chi Minh
Vietnamese leader promoting nationalism and communism against colonial rule.
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Egyptian president who nationalized industries and advocated Pan-Arab unity, blending socialism with Islam.
Algerian War for Independence
A conflict from 1954 to 1962 between France and Algerian nationalists fighting for independence.
Algerian Civil War
A violent conflict beginning in 1991, rooted in political unrest over one-party rule and Islamist movements.
Suez Crisis
The 1956 international crisis following Egypt's nationalization of the Suez Canal, involving military intervention by Israel, Britain, and France.
Biafran Civil War
A conflict from 1967 to 1970 in Nigeria, sparked by the secession of the Igbo people seeking independence.
Quiet Revolution
A period in the 1960s in Quebec marked by significant social, economic, and political changes aimed at increasing French Canadian identity and independence.
Muslim League
Political group advocating for the rights of Muslims in India, leading to the creation of Pakistan.
Government system where religion is the supreme authority.
Mao Zedong
Chinese communist leader who established the People’s Republic of China.
Great Leap Forward
Economic campaign aiming for rapid industrialization and agricultural collectivization in China.
Cultural Revolution
Movement initiated by Mao to reinforce communist ideology and eliminate dissent.
Red Guards
Youth groups mobilized by Mao to attack perceived enemies of the state.
White Revolution
Series of progressive reforms in Iran aiming to modernize and weaken traditional landowner power.
Muhammad Reza Pahlavi
Shah of Iran, known for his authoritarian rule and Western alliances.
Mohammad Mosaddegh
Iranian prime minister who sought to nationalize oil companies, eventually overthrown in a coup.
Mengistu Haile Mariam
Ethiopian military leader who established a socialist regime after deposing Selassie
proxy war
Conflict instigated by a major power, where it supports opposing factions but does not engage directly in fighting.
Berlin Airlift
Operation to deliver supplies to West Berlin during the Soviet blockade from 1948 to 1949.
Berlin Wall
Structure erected in 1961 to prevent East Germans from fleeing to West Berlin, symbolizing Cold War division.
Korean War
Conflict from 1950-1953 arising from North Korea's invasion of South Korea, resulting in a stalemate and division along the 38th parallel.
Vietnam War
Conflict involving U.S. military intervention to prevent communist takeover in South Vietnam, leading to significant casualties and eventual U.S. withdrawal.
Bay of Pigs
Failed U.S.-backed invasion of Cuba in 1961 intended to overthrow Fidel Castro's government.
Cuban Missile Crisis
1962 confrontation over the Soviet deployment of nuclear missiles in Cuba, prompting U.S. response and a near-nuclear conflict.
Country that experienced a civil war post-independence in 1975, influenced by superpower support for different ethnic factions.
Contra War
Conflict in Nicaragua from 1981 to 1988, where the U.S. supported anti-Sandinista rebels, resulting in significant casualties.
Military alliance formed in 1949 for mutual defense against potential Soviet aggression.
Warsaw Pact
Military alliance established in 1955 among communist countries in response to NATO.
communist bloc
Group of Eastern European nations under Soviet influence and control during the Cold War.
John F. Kennedy
U.S. President during the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Nikita Khrushchev
Soviet leader during the Cuban Missile Crisis who faced off against Kennedy
Iron Curtain
Metaphorical barrier symbolizing the division between Eastern (communist) and Western (democratic) Europe during the Cold War.
U.S. policy aimed at preventing the spread of communism beyond its existing borders.
Truman Doctrine
1947 U.S. policy declaring support for countries resisting communism, notably in Greece and Turkey.
Non-Aligned Movement
Alliance of countries in the 1950s-1960s that sought to avoid alignment with either superpower during the Cold War.
Mutual assured destruction
Military doctrine stating that both superpowers would be destroyed in a nuclear war, deterring direct conflict.
Marshall Plan
U.S. initiative launched in 1947 to provide economic aid for the reconstruction of European nations after WWII.
Soviet-led economic organization established in 1949 to help Eastern European countries, less effective than the Marshall Plan
first artificial Earth satellite, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957, marking the beginning of the space race during the Cold War.
Harry Truman
U.S. President post-Roosevelt, known for his stance on free elections and the start of the Cold War.
Dwight Eisenhower
U.S. President warning against the military-industrial complex during Cold War tensions.
Hydrogen bomb
A nuclear weapon developed in the early 1950s, significantly more powerful than earlier atomic bombs.
Military-industrial complex
Alliance between government and defense contractors that grew in influence during Cold War.