Enthroned Madonna and Child (c. 1285), Cimabue, Late Gothic, High Alter in the Church of the Trinity, Mary in the Throne of Wisdom, Christ holds scroll (bible),
Maesta c. 1310, Late Gothic, Duccio, Sienese School, Predella, Cathedral Shaped, Painted front and back
Madonna and Child Enthroned c. 1310, Late Gothic, Duccio, Part of Maestra altarpiece
Betrayal of Christ c. 1310, Late Gothic, Duccio, Part of Maestra altarpiece,
Pisa Pulpit 1260, Late Gothic, Nicola Pisano, Pisa Baptistry
Nativity 1260, Late Gothic, Nicola Pisano, Part of Pisa Pulpit
Adoration of the Magi 1260, Late Gothic, Nicola Pisano, Part of Pisa Pulpit
Arena Chapel c. 1300, Late Gothic, Giotto, Padua, Fresco
Lamentation c. 1300, Late Gothic, Giotto, Part of Arena Chapel
Entry Into Jerusalem c. 1300, Late Gothic, Giotto, Part of Arena Chapel
Baptism of Christ c. 1300, Late Gothic, Giotto, Part of Arena Chapel
Sacrifice of Isaac 1400, Quattrocento, Filippo Brunelleschi
Sacrifice of Isaac 1400, Quattrocento, Lorenzo Ghiberti
North Doors, Florence Baptistry 1400, Quattrocento, Lorenzo Ghiberti
Annunciation 1400, Quattrocento, Lorenzo Ghiberti, Part of North Doors, Florence Baptistry
Baptism of Christ 1400, Quattrocento, Lorenzo Ghiberti, Part of North Doors, Florence Baptistry
John the Baptist 1410, Quattrocento, Lorenzo Ghiberti, San Michele, Florence
David 1410, Quattrocento, Donatello, San Michele, Florence, Originally part of group of old testament prophets
St. Mark 1410, Quattrocento, Donatello, San Michele, Florence, Linen Weavers Guild
St. George 1410, Quattrocento, Donatello, San Michele, Florence, Steel Guild
St. Louis of Toulouse 1410, Quattrocento, Donatello, San Michele, Florence, Gwelth Guild
Zuccone 1430, Quattrocento, Donatello, Florence Campanile, Habakkuk
Four Crowned Saints 1410, Quattrocento, Nanni di Banco, San Michele, Florence, Architects Guild
Adoration of the Magi 1420, Quattrocento, Gentile da Fabriano, Strozzi Altarpiece, Patron Palla Strozzi, Predella
Nativity 1420, Quattrocento, Gentile da Fabriano, Part of Adoration of the Magi
Virgin and Child 1430, Quattrocento, Masaccio, Part of Pisa Altarpiece
Trinity 1430, Quattrocento, Masaccio, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Domenico Lenzi and his wife, patrons, in foreground
Brancacci Chapel 1420, Quattrocento, Masaccio, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence, Peter stories
Tribute Money 1420, Quattrocento, Masaccio, Part of Brancacci Chapel
Expulsion of Adam and Eve 1420, Quattrocento, Masaccio, Part of Brancacci Chapel
Baptism of the Neophytes 1420, Quattrocento, Masaccio, Part of Brancacci Chapel
Temptation of Adam and Eve 1420, Quattrocento Masolino, Part of Brancacci Chapel
St Peter Healing a Cripple and the Raising of Tabitha 1420, Quattrocento, Masolino, Part of Brancacci Chapel
Descent from the Cross 1430, Quattrocento, Fra Angelico, Egg Tempera, Commissioned by Palla Strozzi,
Annunciation 1440, Quattrocento, Fra Angelico, San Marco, Dominican
Annunciation from Monk’s Cell 1440, Quattrocento, Fra Angelico, San Marco, Dominican, St Petger Martyr
Mocking of Christ 1440, Quattrocento, Fra Angelico, San Marco, Dominican, St. Dominic
San Marco Altarpiece 1440, Quattrocento, Fra Angelico, Cosmas and Damian, St. Mark
Tarquinia Madonna 1440, Quattrocento, Fra Filippo Lippi, Tempura, Private Piece
Martelli Annunciation 1440, Quattrocento, Fra Filippo Lippi
Madonna and Child with Scenes from Life of Virgin 1450, Quattrocento, Fra Filippo Lippi
Adoration in the Forest 1450, Quattrocento, Fra Filippo Lippi