decision involves an important federal question
decision create major conflict with other court decisions
decision conflicts w/ a prior SC decision
case has no procedural defects
“good vehicle” that presents a clear case or controversy
state v state cases
what the states could go to war over w/out the SC
200 in nation’s history
lacks adverseness
is brought by parties who lack “standing to sue“, poses issues that are
not “ripe“
involves “political question“
taking back the granting of Writ of Certiorari
case will enter the “dead list“
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Thurgood Marshall
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
DC v. Heller
Robert Levy
Students for Fain Admission v. Harvard & UNC
Edward Blum
after a case is selected, they set briefing date
justices move slowly, focusing on getting the case right
takes 4-6 months to set case for oral argument
parties need to file briefs, paperwork, and Justices need time to read all additional docs