Vocab 04
job satisfaction
su hai long trong cong viec
lam hai long
(adj) hai long, thoa man
1 cach hai long
co the chap nhan duoc ( 2 cach)
to be satisfied with
hai long voi
khong hai long
favour A over B
thich A hon B
nha tuyen dung
nguoi tham du, ung cu vien
good personality traits
nhung dac diem tinh cach tot
switch jobs frequently
chuyen doi cac cong viec thuong xuyen
have little time for
co it thoi gian cho
get/receive a promotion
duoc thang chuc, de cu
(adj) du, day du
khong day du
to be sufficient to V
du de lam gi
to be sufficient for sb/sth
du cho ai, cho cai gi
climb the career ladder
leo nen nac thang su nghiep
to be busy V-ing
ban ron lam gi
to be given a pay rise
get a pay rise
duoc tang luong
in the hope of
voi hy vong gi
work productivity
su nang suat cong viec
su tien bo
complete university education
hoan thanh giao duc dai hoc
(N) trien vong
career prospect
trien vong nghe nghiep
an increasingly competitive job market
mot thi truong lam viec ngay cang canh tranh hon
university graduate
sinh vien tot nghiep dai hoc
make a living
kiem song
manual job
cong viec chan tay
repetitive task
cong viec, nhiem vu lap di lap lai
take on
dam nhan, tiep quan ( cum dong tu)
accumulate sth
tich luy cai gi
have a defined career path
co mot con duong su nghiep xac dinh
the key to
chia khoa cho
bring in more potential customers
mang lai nhieu khach hang tiem nang
to be better spent on
duoc chi tieu tot hon cho
sharpen one’s skills and abilities
mai giua ki nang va kha nang cua ai do
different positions
cac vi tri khac nhau
face a risk of
doi mat voi su rui ro cua
(adj) da quoc gia
monetary loss
(n) mất tiền
doanh nghiep
co loi, mang lai loi ich, tao ra loi ich
a great deal
a lot
for the sake of
vi loi ich cua
a team environment
mot moi truong lam viec nhom
work environment
moi truong lam viec
dong nghiep, ban dai hoc
helpful colleagues
nhung dong nghiep hay giup do
job security
su an toan , dam bao trong cong viec
go on frequently family trips
đi những chuyến du lịch gia đình thường xuyên hơn
have meals together
co cac bua an cung nhau
for an extended period of time
trong 1 khoang thoi gian dai
thanks to
nhờ vào
long trung thanh
enter the labour market
buoc vao thi truong lao dong
university qualification
tam bang dai hoc
put sb at risk of
khien ai do co nguy co
(adj) doi moi
leadership role
vai tro lanh dao
government financial assistance
su ho tro, giup do tai chinh cua chinh cua chinh phu
marketing campain
chien dich tiep thi
a well-paid job
1 cong viec luong cao
stable income
thu nhap on dinh
no education
khong co hoc van