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composition of erythrocytes
water and hemoglobin
erythrocyte membrane is
semiflexible, can change shape and expand but is not fully elastic and can rupture
erythrocytes are anuclear in
domestic species
erythrocytes are nuclear in
fish, birds, and reptiles
erythrocytes are biconcave with a
central pallor
central pallor is the
pale area
more biconcave means
prominent central pallor
canines have a prominent
central pallor
erythrocyte size varies by
dogs erythrocytes are
what species have smaller erythrocytes
sheep and goats
domestics erythrocyte shape
deer erythrocyte shape
sickle shaped
camelids erythrocyte shape
average lifespan of erythrocytes is
120 days
concept of blood as a body system
erythron includes
circulating RBCs, precursors, organs involved in production and destruction of RBCs
erythrocytes stay balanced
production = destruction
blood tests include
RBC count, PCV, hemoglobin content, RBC morphology, RBC indices
indices includes
size and volume
RBCs originate in
bone marrow
fetal RBCs
starts in yolk sac, liver and spleen become involved, eventually bone marrow is involved
Neonatal RBCs
bone marrow is major site of production
red bone marrow
actively producing RBCs and recedes as matures
yellow bone marrow
adult RBCs
red bone marrow resides in flat bones like sternum, ribs, pelvis
bone marrow is made of
thick cells
bone marrow contains small blood vessels that
deliver nutrients and transport cells out
primitive stem cells
primitive stem cells are origin of
WBCs, RBCs, and platelets
PSC needs
adequate nutrients
bone marrow can be stimulated to
increase RBC production