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skin, bone marrow, thymus, tonsils/adenoids, spleen
list 5 organs involved in the immune system
where are most of the blood proteins of the complement system produced?
infection & cancer
what are the two major types of problems that arise from suppressed immune response?
primary immunodeficiency
entire immune defense system is inadequate
secondary immunodeficiency
intentional or acquired immune system deficit that may occur as a result of treatment (ex: chemotherapy)
type I exaggerated immune response
IgE mediated - immediate reaction
ex: anaphylaxis
type II exaggerated immune response
cytotoxic (tissue specific) - IgG & IgM mediated
ex: hemolytic transfusion reactions
type III exaggerated immune response
immune complex
ex: lupus, RA
type IV exaggerated immune response
delayed (cell mediated), tissue damage occurs within 24-48 hours
ex: TB test, contact dermatitis
gay and bisexual men
which population is at the highest risk of HIV?
ELISA and Western blot
what are 2 tests used to test for HIV?
stage 1
acute HIV infection, asymptomatic or flu-like symptoms
high viral load
very contagious
stage 2
chronic HIV infection, clinical latency (active but reproduces at low levels)
CD4: 200-499
CD4 < 200, 1+ opportunistic infections
what are the criteria for when HIV becomes AIDS?
stage 3
AIDS, immunocompromised
high viral load and infections
CD4 <200
opportunistic infections
malignant cells
cells that lack differentiation, are irregular in shape, invasive, and may recur
lungs, liver, lymph nodes, bone, brain
name the 5 areas that are most common for metastasis
Tumor, Node, Metastasis
what are the 3 parts of the TNM cancer staging system?
cure, control, or relieve symptoms
what are the 3 goals of cancer treatment?
ALL CELLS affected by treatment
“low point” when cell counts are the lowest and treatment is stopped
tumor lysis syndrome (TLS)
rapid destruction of large volume of cancer cells
common in leukemias
→ electrolyte imbalances, renal failure, seizure, dysrhythmias, death
SIRS criteria
temperature (high or low)
trends (high or low WBCs OR >10% bands)
infective endocarditis (IE)
infection & inflammation of the inner lining of the heart
risk factors: cardiac damage, IV drug use, systemic infections, invasive catheters, valve replacements
manifestations: flu-like sx, new/worsening heart murmur, splenomegaly, petechiae, splinter hemorrhages, Osler’s nodes, vegetations on valves
diagnostic: transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE)
treatment: long-term antibiotics, surgical intervention
most commonly caused by virus
manifestations: pleural friction rub, fatigue, fever, dyspnea, malaise
diagnostics: ECG
inflammation of the pericardium (sac around the heart)
may be acute (viral) or chronic (may → fibrosis)
risk factors: men <50, TB, viral or bacterial infections, ESRD, post cardiac injury/MI, cancer pts
manifestations: ST segment elevation, pericardial friction rub, pain relieved when leaning forward, precordial chest pain, MIMICS AN MI
pericardial effusion
abnormal collection of fluid between the pericardial layers
may → cardiac tamponade
treatment: pericardiocentesis
cardiac tamponade
compression of heart d/t pericardial effusion, trauma, or hemorrhage
hallmark sign: pulsus paradoxus (drop in SBP > 10 mmHg on inspiration)
stable angina
chest pain that is associated with exertion and relieved with rest and nitroglycerin
unstable angina
chest pain that is unpredictable and may occur at rest or with activity
acute coronary syndrome
coronary blood flow is reduced but not completely occluded → imbalance between oxygen supply and demand
lactic acid
which product of anaerobic metabolism causes the pain associated with ischemia of the heart?
pressure generated at the end of diastole
force opposing ventricular contraction
ejection fraction
percentage of end diastolic volume that is ejected with each contraction
normal: 50-70%
which heart sound is associated with stenosis?
“stiff wall”
which heart sound is associated with too much fluid?
“sloshing in”