when magma rises to surface
convergent O-O
convergent O-C
hot lava (high temperature)
low silica content
low viscosity (runny and fast)
cooling lava (low temperature)
high silica content
high viscosity (thick and slow)
highest silica content
highest viscosity and lots of dissolved gas
tends to erupt explosively
intermediate to felsic
high viscosity and lots of dissolved gas
tends to erupt explosively
low viscosity and less dissolved gas trapped
tends to erupt gently
subtype of a’a lava
broken lava blocks
that sounds like clinking glass as it breaks
rock that has large mineral crystals
cooled slowly on interior of planet (intrusive)
opposite of aphanitic
rock that has very small mineral crystals
cooled quickly on the exterior of the planet (extrusive)
rhyolite, andesite, basalt
opposite of phaneritic
Very-coarse grained
rock that has very large mineral crystals
cooled slowly on the interior of the planet (intrusive)
plutons that are parallel to layers of surrounding rock
plutons that cut across layers of surrounding rocks
volcanic pipe
volcanic neck
magma/rock composition that is between mafic and felsic
has a medium silica quantity
has a medium color
lava/magma that is
dark in color
low in silica
high in Fe + Mg
the underground space usually deep below the earth's surface occupied by magma that feeds the volcanic activity of the surface
creates plutons when it cools
creates craters when it empties
fragments of volcanic rock and lava blasted into the air by a volcanic eruption that are classified by size
ash (smallest)
blocks & bombs (biggest)
batholith has an exposed surface area greater than 100 km2
stock has an exposed surface area less than 100 km
measures quantity of ash and debris thrown into atmosphere during an eruption
scale of 1 (low) to 8 (high)
eruptions with high number can greatly effect climate for years
the pressure from viscous lava builds up and cause an explosive eruption
low viscous lava can flow and the gas can escape the eruption is mild
convergent O-O
convergent O-C
felsic to intermediate (andesitic)
partial melting
mafic (basaltic)
decompression melting
stratovolcano/composite volcano
shield volcano
cinder cone
shape = basic triangle that gets steeper at the top
what it is made of = alternating layers of lava and pyroclastics
type of eruption it tends to have = explosive
type of magma/lava = andesitic (felsic to intermediate), with lots of silica (partial melting) and lots of gas
where it is found = convergent subduction volcanism
example on earth = Cotopaxi, Ecuador
shape = tall and very very wide (width>>height)
what it is made of = lava flows (pahoehoe) piling on top of each other
type of eruption it tends to have = effusive
type of magma/lava = mafic and basaltic magma with low viscosity and low silica
where it is found = oceanic hotspots
Mauna Loa
shape = (small)anthills with steep sides and an abnormally large crater
what it is made of = the lava and pyroclastics that it spews
type of eruption it tends to have = Short, small scale eruptions
type of magma/lava = andesitic to basaltic gas-rich magma made up of pyroclastics and very little lava
where it is found = anywhere
example on earth = Paricutín, Mexico
lots of silica, high viscosity, gassy, explosive
shield volcanos never have steep slopes because the not silica rich + not viscous lava can flow forever and doesn’t build up.
composite cones have high silica + high viscosity lava that builds up and doesn’t flow which leads to a steeply sloped top
volcanic gas
pyroclasic flow
Eldfell volcano in Heimaey, Iceland
very hot and can seriously burn you
can destroy buildings/towns
moves slowly (low death count)
Lake Nyos on Mt. Cameroon, Cameroon
When a volcano erupts, large quantities of hot, somewhat poisonous gas are ejected out and can build up and travel faster than lava
H2O (steam burns you)
CO (suffocation)
CO2 (suffocation)
SO2 (stinky, corrosive to lungs)
Tambora, Indonesia
fine powdery pyroclastic made of volcanic glass and minerals that stays in the air for a while after an eruption
can ruin lungs
Mt. Pelee, Martinique
ground hugging avalanche of hot ash, rock fragments, and volcanic gas rushing down the side of a volcano (100-140 mph)
Krakatoa, Indonesia
harbor wave that is generated when an eruption displaces lots of water from an explosion or landslide
Mt. St. Helens
rapidly flowing mixture of rock, debris, and water that originates in slopes of volcano
requires a steep slope and can end up very far from where it started
decompression melting
introduction of water
heating of crustal rocks
in the mantle when basaltic magma is less dense than surrounding rocks and rises to the surface
ponds beneath crustal rocks in continental settings
erupts on ocean floor in oceanic settings to form volcanic islands
the town was packed due to an election and the entire town was buried except for the one guy that was in an underground jail cell
volcano type = composite
eruption type = explosive
hazard = pyroclastic flow
in Martinique (Caribbean)