military strength, cultural superiority, and new markets
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Spanish American War—Outbreak and Results
Outbreak: second war for independence, valeriano weyler, yellow journalism, de lome letter, and USS Maine explosion
results: annexation of Philippines
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became annexed because mcKinley favored it compared to cleveland, sugar farmers and sugar duty tax , overthrowing of the Hawaiian queen but sanford dole
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seward’s folly/seward’s icebox
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open door policy
prevents any single nation having a monopoly on trade w/ any part of china
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panama canal
reduced travel time, shortcut b/w atlantic and pacific bought french company route, before building the us needed permission from colombia, Panamanians revolted with the aid of us naval blockade (gunboat diplomacy)
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russo japanese war
roosevelt negotiated peace agreements b/w russia and jaspan, won a nobel peace prize
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great white fleet
white paint on naval ships showed the power of the u.s navy
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teller ammendment
U.S had no plan of annexing cuba
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platt amendment
cuba cant make agreements w/ other countries, u.s can intervene w/ cuban affairs, U.S CAN LEASE GUANTANAMO
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Alfred T Mahan
advocated for strengthening u.s navy “the influence of sea power upon history”
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booker t washington
brought up that race related issues needed to be settled
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imperial v anti imperial
anti imperial felt that is was wrong to rule other people w/o their consent
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u.s imperialism in the Philippines
philippines couldnt rule themselves and would get imperialised by another country if left alone
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wilson campaign 1916
he kept us out of war
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how u.s gets involved in the war
lusitania sinking, zimmerman note
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allied goals
look at the treaty of versailles
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Selective service act
Men required to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service
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War industries board
Lead by Bernard Baruch, encouraged companies to use mass production techniques to increase efficiency
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Committee of public information
Propaganda, led by George creel, Had to sway the public opinion of the war
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National war labor board
Established by Wilson, workers who refuse to obey, poor decisions, could lose their draft exemption “work or fight“
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Espionage and sedition acts
Targeted labor leaders and socialists, a person can be fined for up to $10,000 and sentenced to 20 years in jail for interfering with the war effort, or for saying anything to soil, profane, or abusive about the government or the war effort
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Great migration
To escape Jim crow, to skate racial discrimination in the south, bell weevil infestation, job opportunities in the north because of World War I
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14 points
Made by Wilson, the first several dealed with keeping the peace, and what to do to prevent another war, the next several focus on national border dispute, the last point call for the league of Nations – international organization that would address diplomatic crises like those that caused the war and provided a form for nations to discuss and settle their differences without having to resort to war
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International reaction to the 14 points
It was centered on the issue of the league of nations. A few opponents believed that it would threaten the US foreign policy of isolationism conservative senators, headed by Henry Cabot Lodge were suspicious of the provision for joint economy and military action against aggression. voluntary they wanted a constitutional right of Congress to declare war included in the treaty.
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Return to normalcy
Harding, the status before the progressive movement, big business and republican ideals