Computer Science Unit 8 Vocab

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Computing Innovation

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17 Terms


Computing Innovation

includes a program as an integral
part of its function. Can be physical (e.g. self-driving car),
non-physical computing software (e.g. picture editing
software), or non-physical computing concepts (e.g.,

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Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

information about an individual that identifies, links, relates, or describes them.

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a technique that attempts to trick a user into providing personal information. That personal information can then be used to access sensitive online resources, such as bank accounts and emails.

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the use of a program to record every keystroke made by a computer user in order to gain fraudulent access to passwords and other confidential information.

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software intended to damage a computing system or to take partial control over its operation.

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Rogue Access Point

a wireless access point that gives unauthorized access to secure networks.

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a process of encoding messages to keep them secret, so only "authorized" parties can read it.

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a process that reverses encryption, taking a secret message and reproducing the original plain text.

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the generic term for a technique (or algorithm) that performs encryption.

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Caesar's Cipher

a technique for encryption that shifts the alphabet by some number of characters.

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Cracking Encryption

When you attempt to decode a secret message without knowing all the specifics of the cipher, you are trying to crack the encryption.

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a process of encoding messages to keep them secret, so only "authorized" parties can read it.

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a process that reverses encryption, taking a secret message and reproducing the original plain text.

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Symmetric Key Encryption

involves one key for both encryption and decryption.

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Public Key Encryption

pairs a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. The sender does not need the receiver's private key to encrypt a message, but the receiver's private key is required to decrypt the message.

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Multifactor Authentication

a method of computer access in which a user has to successfully provide evidence in at least two of the following categories: knowledge (something they know), possession (something they have), and inherence (something they are). Each step provides a new layer of security.

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Computer Virus Scanning Software

protects a computing system against infection.

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