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Is driving a privelege or a right?
Driving is a privelege and a responsibility
divided highway
Any highway divided into two or more roadways by an intervening space, physical barrier, or clearly indicated dividing section so constructed to impede vehicular traffic
express highway
any State or Interstate highway
entire width between boundary lines of every road open to vehicular traffic, but doesn’t include roads owned by private individuals or institutions
means highway
highway in city or suburban area
portion of the highway that is improved, designed, or ordinarily used for driving, excluding the shoulder
the area common to two or more highways that meet, whether or not those highways cross each other
any type of license under which the owner has the privelege of operating a motor vehicle
the registration certificate (card) and on the plate (tag)
safety zone
an area specifically set aside and used only for pedestrians
recommended, but not required
required by law
must you carry your permit when you drive under 18 years of age?
who is exempt from needing a license
tractor drivers, non-resident operators over 16, and members of Armed Forces
ten reasons why a person may not be licensed
you are less than 16, your are under 18 and have not completed the course, you are under 18 and have no sponsor signature, your license is revoked, you are not a bona fide resident, you are a drunkard or drug addict, you are unable to show you are in US legally, your personal information does not match other agencies, you are physically or mentally unable to drive safely
purpose of GDL
to reduce the high accident and fatality rate of teen drivers
level 1 learner’s permit eligibility
must be between 16 and 18 years old, must have delaware driver education certificate, must provide documentation, must have signed sponsor, must pay $40 permit fee, must pass eye screening, if need special evaluation must tell department
level 1 permit restrictions
must have permit with driver in car, must wear safety belt, can not use cell phone during driving, must have supervisor and max one other passenger, first six months supervised at all times, second six months supervised at night, must have 50 hours by six months and 10 must be at night
When can L1 permit holder get a Class D license
After 12 months between 17 and 18 years old, who has done all 50 hours and other requirements