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Protons, Neutrons and Electrons

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Protons, Neutrons and Electrons

Atomic Mass = (Number of protons) + (Number of neutrons)

Number of neutrons = ( Atomic Mass) - Number of Protons

Number of Electrons = Equivalent to the number of protons Except when the atom is charged

  • If the Atom (ion) is positively charged, the number of electrons is found by subtracting the charge number from the proton number and vice versa.

<p>Atomic Mass = (Number of protons) + (Number of neutrons)</p><p>Number of neutrons = ( Atomic Mass) - Number of Protons</p><p>Number of Electrons = Equivalent to the number of protons Except when the atom is charged</p><ul><li><p>If the Atom (ion) is positively charged, the number of electrons is found by subtracting the charge number from the proton number and vice versa. </p></li></ul>
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  • Me Eats Peanut Butter; Paul Has Had Only Nine Donuts

<p><strong>MNEMONIC:</strong> </p><ul><li><p>Me Eats Peanut Butter; Paul Has Had Only Nine Donuts</p></li></ul>
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Heterocyclic Compounds

At least one carbon atom is replaced by one of heteroatoms

  • Heteroatoms are: O, N and S

<p>At least one carbon atom is replaced by one of heteroatoms</p><ul><li><p><strong>Heteroatoms are:</strong> O, N and S</p></li></ul>
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<p>Matrix Pre-fixes</p>

Matrix Pre-fixes

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Avogado’’s Number

1 mole = 6.02 × 1023 molecules

  • Any time you’re given a mass (or number of moles) of a substance and you’re asked to determine the number of individual ions/atoms/molecules, you’re gonna need Avogadro’s number

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Area of a triangle

Formula: A= ½ bh

<p><strong>Formula: </strong> A= ½ bh</p><p></p>
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Area of a circle

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An agonist

Activates a receptor to perform its biochemical function.

<p>Activates a receptor to perform its biochemical function. </p>
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Blocks the biochemical function of the protein it binds to.

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  • Count chiral Chiral centers then use 2n

  • n = chiral centers

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Molar solubility ( S)

  • Unsaturated Solution

  • Saturated Solution

  • Supersaturated Solution

Maximum concentration of a solute that can dissolve in a solution

Unsaturated Solution

  • You have not dissolved as much solute in the solution as you possibly can so current concentration is less than molar solubility

  • Saturated Solution

  • Supersaturated Solution

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Solubility product constant (Ksp

Unsaturated Solution

  • Q < Ksp

    Saturated Solution

  • Q = Ksp

  • Supersaturated Solution

  • Q < Ksp

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Action Potential

Inside of an axon will always be negative (-70 )

knowing that if we connect this to electrical filed lines they Always move towards the negative

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Electrical Field lines

Always move towards the negative

<p>Always move towards the negative </p>
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Myelin Sheath function

insulate the axon from the surroundings

<p>insulate the axon from the surroundings</p>
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Schwann cells

Glial cells that form the myelin sheath on axons outside the brain

<p>Glial cells that form the myelin sheath on axons outside the brain</p>
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Know Amino Acids

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Atomic number

Determines how big an atom is

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<p>Dimensional Analysis</p>

Dimensional Analysis

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Current formula

The potential is accounted for here, and if we multiply the resistance per unit length by the length over which that resistance occurs, we would have the total resistance. I=V/R and both variables needed to calculate current are accounted for. This is our golden ticket to another point on the chem/phys section.

<p><span>The potential is accounted for here, and if we multiply the resistance per unit length by the length over which that resistance occurs, we would have the total resistance. I=V/R and both variables needed to calculate current are accounted for. This is our golden ticket to another point on the chem/phys section.</span></p>
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Calculate PH

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Logs in MCAT

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Strong Acids Vs Weak Acids

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Strong Bases vs Weak Bases

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Two additional compounds were studied: NO2(OH) dissolved in water and produced an acidic solution, and Ni(OH)2 dissolved only in an acidic solution. What type of compounds were these?

NO2(OH) is an oxyacid and Ni(OH)2 is a base

Explanation: Let’s use that information and look at these compounds one at a time NO2(OH) dissolved in water and produced an acidic solution –> well, if it produced an acidic solution, it should be an oxyacid. Ni(OH)2 dissolved only in an acidic solution –> unlike the NO2(OH), Ni(OH)2 did not produce an acidic solution, it dissolved in an acidic solution. We know that acids dissolve in bases, and bases dissolve in acids due to the common ion effect, so if Ni(OH)2 dissolved in an acid, it is a base.

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Strong Acids completely dissolve in water

Ions/ charged

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<p>Pre-cursor of Steroid Hormones</p>

Pre-cursor of Steroid Hormones

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What is the concentration of Cl ions in a 0.1 M solution of calcium chloride?

  1. The formula for calcium chloride is CaCl2 and it produces twice as many Cl ions as Ca2+ ions in solution when it dissolves.

  2. CaCl2 ⇌ Ca + Cl

  3. Balance the equation

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Reducing Sugar

A sugar that has anomeric carbon

<p>A sugar that has anomeric carbon</p>
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Net charge of the peptide

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