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What is Psychopathy?
A personality disorder, which is a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning, and behaving
Referred to as “intra-species predators” as they prey on fellow humans
On one hand, psychopaths use charm and social skills to achieve their goals
On the other hand, psychopaths also use violence and intimidation
Psychopathy is seen across cultures
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others
Label for someone whose psychopathic traits are assumed to be due to environmental factors (vs. genetic predisposition)
Mask of Sanity (1941)
Outlined 16 features of the typical psychopath based on offender interviews
The most popular method for measuring psychopathy is the Hare PCL-R
Self-reported Measures of Psychopathy
Useful because they are easy to administer and can target emotions that are not visible, but they are problematic when used with psychopaths a.k.a. master manipulators
Usually only used with sub-clinical samples
Hare Psychopathy Checklist - Revised (PCL-R)
20-item scale consisting of a semi- structured interview and review of file information
Assesses three facets of psychopathy:
interpersonal, affective/emotional, behavioural
Each item is rated using a three-point scale
Strong empirical support for its use
Items in the Hare PCL-R
Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow emotions
Lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility
Parasitic lifestyle
Need for stimulation
Poor behavioural control
Early behavioral problems
Lack of realistic long-term goals
Juvenile delinquency
Criminal versatility
Short-term marital relations
Ted Bundy
Serial killer and common example of a psychopath
Raped, tortured, and murdered between 30 and 100 women
PCL-R score of 39 – one of the highest scores recorded
Appears to be normal and charming in an interview
Myths About Psychopathy
Psychopaths are born and not made
All psychopaths are violent
You either are or are not a psychopath
There are no female psychopaths
Psychopaths are all intelligent
Psychopaths are untreatable
Psychopath in the Community
About 1% of the general population are psychopaths
Not all psychopaths are violent – may use their skills to become successful elsewhere
In the business world, psychopaths are referred to as “snakes in suits”
Psychopaths in the workplace are often the root of company problems, as they spread rumours, cause conflict, and fail to pull their weight while blaming others
Psychopathy and Violence
Psychopaths are overrepresented in their involvement with serious crime and violence
Versatile Violence
Start at a younger age, persist longer, engage in more violent crimes more often, commit a variety of crimes, more likely to violently reoffend
Unique Violence
Engaging in instrumental violence associated with higher PCL-R scores (versus reactive violence), especially cold-blooded homicide
Sexual Sadism
Psychopaths report positive emotions before committing rape, whereas non-psychopaths report negative emotions
Psychopathy and Interviewing
Interviewing psychopaths is a challenge, as many tactics used against typical suspects will not work
Psychopaths exhibit challenging interview
Try to outwit the interrogator
Enjoy being the focus of attention
Attempt to control the interview
Will not be fooled by bluffs
Attempt to shock
Recommendations for Interviewing Psychopaths
Case familiarity
Convey experience and expertise
Avoid criticism
Avoid emotion about the case
Twin studies show that many traits related to psychopathy can be attributed to genetics
Longitudinal studies show that several environmental factors can impact psychopathic traits
Cognitive/emotional Deficit
Ignore inhibitory information
Lack of emotional response
Structural differences in the brain
Treatment of Psychopathy
There is pessimism among many psychologists regarding whether psychopaths can be treated
According to this research, treatment makes psychopaths worse!
More recent research has shown more promising results with treatment
Psychopathy in Youth
The assumption that psychopathic traits develop gradually from childhood
Concerns with the stigma of labelling youth as psychopaths
Psychopathic traits are somewhat stable from childhood into middle age
Like adults, children with psychopathic traits exhibit more criminality and violence
Youth with psychopathic traits are more amenable to treatment, so there are benefits to identifying such traits early
Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD)
Assesses precursors to psychopathic traits
Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV)
Measures psychopathic traits in youth aged 12-18