Flashcards for Boone FINAL EXAM FRESHMAN

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36 Terms



Term Referring to all Humans and their ancestors but not to Chimpanzees, gorillas or Orangutans Carbon

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Homo Sapien

Biological term for modern human beings belonging to the genus Homo specials, sapiens and subspecies sapiens Paleolithic

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Chapter 2 Mesopotamia

Greek for “between the rivers”; the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in today’s Iraq and eastern Syria Cuneiform

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The first ruler to unify Mesopotamia. Changed the language of administration to Akkadian Hammurabi’s Code

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Chapter 3 Dharma

A sanskrit term meaning correct conduct according to law or custom; Buddhists, including Ashoka, used this concept to refer to the teachings of Buddha Karma

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Highest ranking of India's four castes. They were Priests Dalits

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Chapter 4 Mandate of Heaven

The Chinese belief that Heaven, the generalized Forces of the Cosmos(not the abode of the dead), chose the rightful ruler. China's rulers believed that Heaven would send signs before withdrawing its mandate Confucianism

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Great chinese general who wrote the Art of War Confucius

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Chapter 5 Mesoamerica

The region that includes the southern two

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Corn, native to americans and many native american tribes used this as one of their three major crops Three sisters farming

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Chapter 6 Herodotus

A Greek speaking historian born in Halicarnassus. Author of the Histories, an investigation of the history, folklore, geography, plants and customs of the known world. Known as the father of history Zoroastrianism

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King of Lydia, extremely wealthy. Ruled until he was defeated by Cyrus the Great Minos

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Chapter 7

7.2 Carthage

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Ruling class of Rome Plebeians

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Chapt 7.3 7.4 Jesus

Jewish preacher believed by Christians to be the Messiah, the figure who would bring salvation and, through atonement, eternal life to those who believed in him Paul

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Last Roman emperor to rule the Entire Roman empire before its administration was permanently split between west and east Theodoric

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Chapter 8 Tang Dynasty

Dynasty that represented a political and cultural high point in Chinese history. The Tang emperors combined elements of the Qin/Han blueprint for empire with new measures to create a model of governance that spread to Tibet, Korea and Japan

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Ruling family of Japan, all leaders came from the Yamato Clan

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Chapter 9 Muhammad

Belived by Muslims to be the last prophet who received GOd’s revelations directly from the angel Gabreil. The first leader of the Muslim community Caliph

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Chapter 10 Byzantine Empire

Eastern Half of the Roman Empire after the loss of the western half in 476. Sometimes simply called Byzantium. Justinian Corpus of Civil Law

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Chapter 11 Griot

Royal storytellers who served as advisers to the rulers of Mail and other West African states. (A griotte is a female storyteller) Mali

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Chapter 12 Zen Buddhism

A japanese school of Buddhism that emphasized attaining Enlightenment through meditation Bushido

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Chapter 13 guilds

Associations formed by members of the same trade or merchant group that regulated prices and working hours feudal

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Chapter 14 Ottomans

Group of Turkic Muslim Nomads who gained control of the Anatolia region in Modern Turkey around 1300, THeir conquest of COnstantinople in 1453 marked the end of the Byzantine empire Janissaries

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Chapter 15 Aztec Empire

An empire based in tenochtitlan(modern day Mexico City) that ruled over 4 to 6 million people in Modern

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Hernan Cortes

Spanish conqueror who led the conquest of the Aztec Empire in Mexico Malinche

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Renaissance terms and people Renaissance

Literally “rebirth”. Term used to refer to the period of Humanist revival in Europe. Most historians now play down this term, recognizing that the intellectual advances of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries underpinned those of the humanist era Lorenzo Ghiberti

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Chapter 16 joint

stock companies

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Vasco da Gama

Portugese explorer and first european to reach India by sea Martin Luther

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Chapter 17 Süleyman

Credited with the development of the literature, art, architecture, and law nd for inclusive policies toward religious minorities suleyman extended the ottoman empire whhile maintaining its economic and political sability Sufi

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Charles I/V

King of both Spain and the Holy Roman Empire Philip II

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Enlightenment and American Revolution René Descartes

French Scientist, Mathematician, and philosopher who developed the deductive method of reasoning(moving from one general principles to particular facts) Sir Francis Bacon

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Social Contract

A group of people agree to give up certain rights and accept a central authority to protect their other rights Adam Smith

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Chapter 23 Industrial Revolution

Changes that began in the late eighteenth century Britian and transformed the global economy by creating new markets for Raw materials and finished goods; accpompanied by technological changes that revolutionized production processes, living and working conditions and the environment James Watt

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Henry Bessemer

Made steel and iron easier to produce Luddites

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