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Parental DNA is copied to daughter DNA
DNA is used as template to synthesize RNA
RNA is used as template to synthesize protein
a chromosomal segment that encodes for single polypeptide chain, RNA molecule, or plays regulatory function
total genetic information contained in cell, organism, or virus
compact strand of DNA that is encoded with genes; composed of chromatin; and is formed during nuclear division
DNA complex with histones & other proteins ; is typically dispersed throughout nucleus during interphase
DNA → mRNA; one strand of the double stranded DNA acts as molecular template for RNA Synthesis
When three Nucleotides code for specific amino acid or signal
mRNA ->tRNA; when codon (triplet of nucleotides) in mRNA binds to complementary triplets in tRNA where RNA carry the complementary amino acid used to create proteins
protein assemblies in which DNA is wrapped around and it helps eukaryotic DNA to be compacted and confined to within the nucleus
a compact structure that is made up of bacterial DNA that is highly compacted & supercoiled
it exists in the cytosol with few attachments to the membrane
Experiment that suggests that living organism could get by with less than 400 genes
Craig Venter’s
viral genomic DNA is associated with _____ proteins
prokaryotic DNA is associated with ____ proteins
eukaryotic DNA is associated with ____ proteins
capsid, nucleoid, chromatin
expressed sequences that are translated into amino acid sequence
regions of genes that are transcribed but not translated
created when introns are removed exon mRNA sequence are sticked together
mature transcript
Sequences that can move around within genome of single cell
accounts for 5% of human genome
Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) is also known as _____
they are made of 10 bp or less and are repeated millions of time
Satellite DNA
SSRs are associated with _____
telomeres and centromeres
region where two daughter chromosome are held tgt during mitosis (after DNA replication but before cell division)
is essential for equal distribution of chromosome sets to daughter cells
have AT rich repeated sequences of about 130 bp
centromere sequences
caps the end of eukaryotic chromosomes
telomere sequences
enzyme that adds special loop structures to keep DNA endsfrom unraveling
Hayflick limit: normal human cells can only divide ~____ times before losing ability to divide again because after each round of replication , telomeres are shortened thus, cellular DNA "ages"
_____: relaxed DNA ; 10.5 bp/turn
____: DNA in closed loops; rarely relaxed → strain due to fewer helical turns (underwinding) induces supercoiling
underwinding makes later separation of strand easier
_____ : underwound with help of protein to prevent strands from rotating
Normal B form, closed circular, linear
describes supercoiling->an integer for closed circular DNA and is (+), reflecting a right hand helix
Linking Number
DNA that differ only in linking number
same # of bp, same sequence, different degree of supercoiling
conversion between topoisomers require DNA strand break
enzymes required for DNA unwinding & rewinding during transcription & replication
Topoisomerases makes cut in 1 strand ; changes Lk by 1
includes Topo I and III
removes negative supercoil and increases Lk
Type I
Topoisomerases makes cut in 2 strand ; changes Lk by 2
includes Topo II and IV
introduces negative supercoil and decrease Lk
Type II
drug that Inhibits bacterial Type II topoisomerases from binding ATP
Coumarins (novobiocin, coumermycin)
drug that inhibits last step of resealing DNA strand breaks → is wide spectrum selective for bacterial enzyme
quinolones (nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, Cipro)
Drugs that are Eukaryotic Type I Isomerase inhibitors (traps enzyme DNA complex in its cleared state)
camptothecin, irinotecan (Campto) topotecan (Hycamtin)
fiber of protein, DNA, and small amount of RNA
Histones are made of basic residues
Lysine, Histamine, Arginine (KHR)
discrete units with DNA and protein
region where sequence specific, non-histone protein binds
Nucleosome formation compacts DNA 7- >10K fold → are where Next level of structure for nucleosome
proteins that ensure shape of higher level structures are maintained (along with Topo II)
SMC (Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes)
Type of SMC Proteins
helps link sister chromatids
Type of SMC Protein
help chromosomes to condense; create positive supercoils