Heterosexual men
________ with high power motivation tend to prefer women who are dependent whereas independent women can be perceived as a threat.
Need for ________ describes the motive to spend time with others and forming friendly social ties.
________ is a term describing how two needs are opposite and how people can struggle to navigate which need to go after.
________ are clusters of cognitions with affective overtones, organized around preferred experiences and goals.
________ is a term that describes how two needs can clash with each other.
power motive
Inhibited ________ describes the combination of multiple needs.
Need for ________ describes the desire to experience warm, close, and communicative exchanges with another person, to feel close to another person.
higher intimacy
People with ________ motivation have more one- on- one exchanges with other people but not in large- group interactions.
Primary needs
________ are rooted in biology (food, water, pain, etc.)
Secondary needs
_________ either derive from biological needs or are just rooted in our psychological makeup (need for power, need for achievement.)
System of needs
__________ are a series of needs describing how people have their own personal makeup of needs, and some needs are more important over others and are interrelated in some ways.
A ________ is an internal state that is less satisfactorily, a lack of something that is necessary for one’s well-being.
Work in service
__________ describes how one feels the need to order their life in order to be successful.