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Global Climate Change
term used to describe altered global weather patterns, especially a worldwide increase in temperature and resulting changes in the climate, due largely to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide
long-term, predictable atmospheric conditions of a specific area
conditions of the atmosphere during a short period of time
Climate change can by understood by approaching three areas of study:
evidence of current and past global climate change; drivers of global climate change; documented results of climate change
Antarctic ice cores show
that there have been periodic cycles of increasing and decreasing temperature
Before the late 1800s, the Earth has been as much as ( ) degrees cooler and ( ) degrees warmer
9, 3
The Medieval Climate Anomaly occurred between 900 and 1300 AD, which included
slightly warmer weather; allowed the Vikings to colonize Greenland
The Little Ice Age occurred
between 1550 AD and 1850 AD, which included a slight cooling of less than 1 degree Celsius, observable in North America and Europe
The Industrial Revolution led to advances in
agriculture, food supply, and improved standard of living
With the beginning of the Industrial Era, atmospheric carbon levels began to
Milankovitch cycles
describe the effects of slight changes in the Earth’s orbit on climate, the length of each lasting from 19,000 to 100,000 years
The variation in the sun’s intensity is a ( ) responsible for climate change
natural factor
Solar intensity
amount of solar power or energy the sun emits in a given amount of time
As solar intensity increases (or decreases) the Earth’s temperature correspondingly
increases (or decreases)
Volcanic eruptions are a natural driver of climate change by
releasing solids and gases that influence the climate over a period of years
haze-effect cooling
global phenomenon that occurs when dust, ash, or other suspended particles block sunlight and trigger lower global temperatures as a result
Greenhouses gases are the
most significant drivers of the climate
Greenhouse gases trap
heat in the atmosphere
The greenhouse gases that effect Earth are
carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and ozone
Greenhouse effect
the warming of Earth due to carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
Beginning only a few centuries ago, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have
increased beyond the historical maximum of 300 ppm
Human activity releases CO2 into the atmosphere in several ways:
burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, cement manufacture, animal agriculture, clearing of land, and burning of forests
Methane is produced when
bacteria break down organic matter under anaerobic conditions
Methane can be released from
natural gas fields, decomposition of plant and animal material, and melting of clathrates
Permian extinction
event that occurred 251 million years ago towards the end of the Permian period, which was one of the three warmest periods
The loss of ice leads to an increasing
global sea level, on average 1.8 mm per year
Temperature and precipitation play key roles in determining
geographic distribution and phenology of plants and animalsp
study of climatic conditions on the timing of periodic life cycle events