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Renal calculi
kidney stones in renal pelvis
– Formed by crystallized calcium, magnesium, or uric acid salts
• Risk factors: obesity and elevated blood calcium levels
• Prevention: adequate hydration
• Many kidney calculi can be treated with lithotripsy
– Ultrasound shockwaves break stones so they pass
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Symptoms: dysuria (painful urination), urinary urgency and frequency, fever, and
sometimes cloudy or blood-tinged urine
– Back pain when kidneys are involved
• Treatment: antibiotics can cure most urinary tract infections
inflammation of urethra
inflammation of bladder
Pyelitis or pyelonephritis
inflammation of kidneys
painful urination
Urinary incontinence
in adults, usually caused by weakened pelvic muscles
– Stress incontinence: increased intra-abdominal pressure forces urine out
Laughing, coughing, or sneezing can cause incontinence
– Overflow incontinence: urine dribbles when bladder overfills
Urinary retention
bladder is unable to expel urine
– Common after general anesthesia, but can occur due to hypertrophy of prostate