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signified and signifier
The signifier is the object, the word, the image or action. the signified is the concept behind the object that is being represented.
signs that resemble that which they represent, such as a smiley face emoji representing happiness
signs that point to, or are contiguous with, that which they represent, such as smoke indexing
fire, or a regional dialect indexing a person’s birthplace
signs that are connected to what they represent in an arbitrary manner, which is the case for
most words. For example, there is nothing directly connecting the concept of “tree” to the English word“tree”
Culture (ib)
socially acquired knowledge
“that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, moral, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habit acquired by man as a member of society.” E.B. Tylor
Basically, culture is about how peoplethink and behave.
Language ideologies
“the opinions, biases, attitudes or beliefs- conscious or unconscious- that we all have about language.”
A language variety used as a norm or model in education, media, and government.
A language that is given special legal status in a country, used in government.
a regional variety of language distinguished by features of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation from other regional varieties and constituting together with them a single language
Linguistic relativity / relativism
“The proposal that the particular language we speak influences the way we think about reality”
Linguistic determinism
“Language determines thought”